PHP code example of antcool / easy-lark

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download antcool/easy-lark library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


antcool / easy-lark example snippets

$config = [
    'debug' => env('APP_DEBUG', false),
    'runtime_path' => storage_path('lark'),

    'app_id' => '',
    'app_secret' => '',

    'http' => [
        'timeout' => 10,
        'base_uri' => '',
    'event' => [
        'encrypt_key' => '',
        'verify_token' => '',
        'verify_request' => true,
    'access_token' => \AntCool\EasyLark\Support\AccessToken::class,

// AppServiceProvider
public function boot()
    $this->app->singleton('lark', fn () => new Application($config));

$app = app('lark');

try {
    // 发起 API 请求
    $response = $app->getClient()->getJson('uri', $query = []);
    $response = $app->getClient()->postJson('uri', $data = [], $query = []);
    // 免登授权
    $response = $app->getClient()->postJson('/open-apis/authen/v1/access_token', [
        'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
        'code'       => 'dDieky8JXDywpnOlhR8ydf',

    // 飞书审批 (飞书部分接口使用的 域名, 但是 AccessToken 相同)
    $app->getClient()->postJson('', [
        'approval_code' => '376DA07B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-98B7B907C6B3',
    // 文件上传
    $file = new \AntCool\EasyLark\Support\File('file path');
        '/open-apis/im/v1/files' // 消息与群组消息文件上传,
        ['file_type' => $file->extension, 'file_name' => $file->name]
} catch (Throwable $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

// 订阅指定审批单
$response = app('lark')->getClient()->postJson(
    ['approval_code' => 'approval_code']

// 订阅事件处理
$server = $this->app->getServer();

// 方式一: 获取来自飞书服务器的推送事件内容, 你可以自行处理后 return $server->serve()
$event = $server->getRequestEvent();

// 方式二: 事件处理中间件处理, 可注册多个事件处理中间件
$server->with(function (Event $event, \Closure $next) {
    $body = $event->getBody(); // 推送的消息内容
    return $next($event);

// 方式三: 指定事件名称处理中间件
$server->addEventListener('approval_instance', function (Event $event, \Closure $next) {
    $body = $event->getBody(); // 推送的消息内容
    return $next($event);

// 别忘了调用 $server->serve();
return $server->serve();

class YourAccessToken implements AccessTokenInterface{
    public function getToken():string

$config = [
    'access_token' => YourAccessToken::class