PHP code example of anik / cache

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download anik/cache library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


anik / cache example snippets

if (!is_null($this->cache)){

if (!is_null($this->cache)){

use Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface;

public function getItem(string $key): CacheItemInterface;
public function getItems(array $keys): CacheItemInterface[];
public function hasItem(string $key): bool;
public function clear(): bool;
public function deleteItem(string $key): bool;
public function deleteItems(array $keys): bool;
public function save(CacheItemInterface $item): bool;
public function saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item): bool;
public function commit(): bool;

public function getKey(): string;
public function get(): mixed;
public function isHit(): bool;
public function set(mixed $value): static;
public function expiresAt(\DateTimeInterface|null $expiration): static;
public function expiresAfter(\DateInterval|int|null$time): static;

public function getExpiration(): ?int;
public function getValue(): mixed;

use Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface;

public function getItem(string $key): CacheItemInterface;
public function getItems(array $keys): CacheItemInterface[];
public function hasItem(string $key): bool;
public function clear(): bool;
public function deleteItem(string $key): bool;
public function deleteItems(array $keys): bool;
public function save(CacheItemInterface $item): bool;
public function saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item): bool;
public function commit(): bool;

public function get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed;
public function set(string $key, mixed $value, \DateInterval|int|null $ttl = null): bool;
public function delete(string $key): bool;
public function clear(): bool;
public function getMultiple(iterable $keys, mixed $default = null): iterable;
public function setMultiple(iterable $values, \DateInterval|int|null $ttl = null): bool;
public function deleteMultiple(iterable $keys): bool;
public function has(string $key): bool;

use Anik\Cache\Item;
use Anik\Cache\Pool\NullPool;

$pool = new NullPool();
// $pool = new NullPool($defaultReturnValue);
// $pool = new InMemoryPool();

// Item to store
$item = new Item('key-1', 'value-1');
// $item = new Item('key-2', 'value-2');

// Item expiration
// $item->expiresAfter(10);
// $item->expiresAt(($now = new DateTimeImmutable())->modify('+100 seconds'))

// save item

// save deferred

// get item
$item = $pool->getItem('key-1');

// get multiple items
$pool->getItems(['key-1', 'key-2']);

// has item

// delete item

// delete multiple items
$pool->deleteItems(['key-1', 'key-2']);

// clear pool

use Anik\Cache\Item;
use Anik\Cache\Pool\NullPool;
use Anik\Cache\PoolAdapter;

// pass the type of pool you want to use
$adapter = new PoolAdapter(new NullPool());
// $adapter = new PoolAdapter(new NullPool($defaultReturnValue));
// $adapter = new PoolAdapter(new InMemoryPool());

// can achieve the same using the helper methods
// $adapter = null_cache();
// $adapter = null_cache($defaultReturnValue);
// $adapter = in_memory_cache();

// Item to store
$item = new Item('key-1', 'value-1');
// $item = new Item('key-2', 'value-2');

// Item expiration
// $item->expiresAfter(10);
// $item->expiresAt(($now = new DateTimeImmutable())->modify('+100 seconds'))

// save/save deferred item
// Otherwise,
$adapter->set('key-3', 'value-3');

// get item
$item = $adapter->getItem('key-1');
// Otherwise

// get multiple items
$adapter->getItems(['key-1', 'key-2']);

// Otherwise
$adapter->getMultiple(['key-1', 'key-4'], 'default-value');

// has item
// otherwise

// delete item

// delete multiple items
$adapter->deleteItems(['key-1', 'key-2']);
// Otherwise
$adapter->deleteMultiple(['key-1', 'key-2']);

// clear pool