PHP code example of anik / amqp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download anik/amqp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


anik / amqp example snippets

use Anik\Amqp\AmqpConnectionFactory;
use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPLazySSLConnection;

$host = '';
$port = 5672;
$user = 'user';
$password = 'password';
$vhost = '/';
$options = []; // options to be proxied to the amqp connection class
$ofClass = AMQPLazySSLConnection::class;

$connection = AmqpConnectionFactory::make($host, $port, $user, $password, $vhost, $options, $ofClass);
$hosts = [
        'host' => $host,
        'port' => $port,
        'user' => $user,
        'password' => $password,
        'vhost' => $vhost,
        'host' => $host,
        'port' => $port,
        'user' => $user,
        'password' => $password,
        'vhost' => $vhost,

// With AmqpConnectionFactory::makeFromArray method, you can try to connect to multiple host
$connection = AmqpConnectionFactory::makeFromArray($hosts, $options, $ofClass);

use Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Exchange;
use Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Fanout;
use Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Topic;

$exchange = new Exchange('', Exchange::TYPE_DIRECT);

$exchange = Exchange::make(['name' => '', 'type' => Exchange::TYPE_DIRECT]);

$exchange = new Topic('');

$exchange = Fanout::make(['name' => '']);

use Anik\Amqp\Queues\Queue;

$queue = new Queue('');

$queue = Queue::make(['name' => '']);

use Anik\Amqp\Qos\Qos;

$prefetchSize = 0;
$prefetchCount = 0;
$global = false;

$qos = new Qos($prefetchSize, $prefetchCount, $global);

$qos = Queue::make(['prefetch_size' => $prefetchSize, 'prefetch_count' => $prefetchCount, 'global' => $global]);

use Anik\Amqp\Producer;

$producer = new Producer($connection, $channel);

use Anik\Amqp\Producer;

(new Producer($connection))->publishBatch($messages, $routingKey, $exchange, $options);

use Anik\Amqp\Producer;

(new Producer($connection))->publish($message, $routingKey, $exchange, $options);

use Anik\Amqp\Producer;

(new Producer($connection))->publishBasic($message, $routingKey, $exchange, $options);

use Anik\Amqp\ProducibleMessage;
use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;
use PhpAmqpLib\Wire\AMQPTable;

$msg = new ProducibleMessage('take my message to rabbitmq');

$msg = new ProducibleMessage('take my message to rabbitmq', [
    'delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT,

$msg = (new ProducibleMessage())->setMessage('take my message to rabbitmq')->setProperties([
    'delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT,
    'application_headers' => new AMQPTable(['key' => 'value']),

use Anik\Amqp\Consumer;

$consumer = new Consumer($connection, $channel, $options);

use Anik\Amqp\Consumer;

(new Consumer($connection, $channel, $options))->consume($handler, $bindingKey, $exchange, $queue, $qos, $options);

use Anik\Amqp\ConsumableMessage;
// use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;

$msg = new ConsumableMessage(function (ConsumableMessage $message/*, AMQPMessage $original*/) {
    echo $message->getMessageBody() . PHP_EOL;
    echo $message->getRoutingKey() . PHP_EOL;
    // Alternatively, $original->ack();

     * Method: `decodeMessage` 
     * Returns:
     *      - `array` if message body contains valid json
     *      - `null` if json could not be decoded 

     * Method: `decodeMessageAsObject` 
     * Returns:
     *      - `\stdClass` if message body contains valid json
     *      - `null` if json could not be decoded 