PHP code example of anerg2046 / sns_auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download anerg2046/sns_auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


anerg2046 / sns_auth example snippets

     * 得到跳转地址
    public function getRedirectUrl();

     * 获取当前授权用户的openid标识
    public function openid();

     * 获取格式化后的用户信息
    public function userinfo();

     * 获取原始接口返回的用户信息
    public function userinfoRaw();

     * 获取中转代理地址
    public function getProxyURL();

namespace app\mobile\controller;

use anerg\OAuth2\OAuth;
use think\facade\Config;

class Sns
    private $config;

     * 第三方登录,执行跳转操作
     * @param string $name 第三方渠道名称,目前可用的为:weixin,qq,weibo,alipay,facebook,twitter,line,google
    public function login($name)
        $this->config = Config::get('sns.' . $name);

        $this->config['callback'] = $this->makeCallback($name);

        $this->config['proxy'] = '';

         * 对于微博,如果登录界面要适用于手机,则需要设定->setDisplay('mobile')
         * 对于微信,如果是公众号登录,则需要设定->setDisplay('mobile'),否则是WEB网站扫码登录
         * 其他登录渠道的这个设置没有任何影响,为了统一,可以都写上
        return redirect(OAuth::$name($this->config)->setDisplay('mobile')->getRedirectUrl());

         * 如果需要微信代理登录,则需要:
         * 1.将wx_proxy.php放置在微信公众号设定的回调域名某个地址,如
         * 2.config中加入配置参数proxy_url,地址为
         * 然后获取跳转地址方法是getProxyURL,如下所示
        $this->config['proxy_url'] = '';
        return redirect(OAuth::$name($this->config)->setDisplay('mobile')->getProxyURL());

    public function callback($name)
        $this->config = Config::get('sns.' . $name);

        $this->config['callback'] = $this->makeCallback($name);

        $snsInfo = OAuth::$name($this->config)->userinfo();

        $snsInfoRaw = OAuth::$name($this->config)->userinfoRaw();

        $openid = OAuth::$name($this->config)->openid();

     * 生成回跳地址
     * @return string
    private function makeCallback($name)
        return url('/sns/callback/' . $name, '', 'html', true);

$snsInfo = OAuth::$name($this->config)->mustCheckState()->userinfo();

    public function sns()
        $platform = $this->request->param('sns_platform');

        $config = Config::get($platform . '.' . Config::get($platform));
        // $config['proxy'] = '';
        $config['access_token'] = $this->request->param('access_token', '');
        $config['oauth_token']        = $this->request->param('oauth_token', '');
        $config['oauth_token_secret'] = $this->request->param('oauth_token_secret', '');
        $config['user_id']            = $this->request->param('user_id', '');
        $config['screen_name']        = $this->request->param('screen_name', '');

        $snsInfo = OAuth::$platform($config)->userinfo();

├──                        说明文件
├── composer.json                    composer文件
├── src                              代码源文件目录
│   ├── Connector
│   │   ├── Gateway.php              必须继承的抽象类
│   │   └── GatewayInterface.php     必须实现的接口
│   ├── Gateways
│   │   ├── Alipay.php
│   │   ├── Facebook.php
│   │   ├── Google.php
│   │   ├── Line.php
│   │   ├── Qq.php
│   │   ├── Twitter.php
│   │   ├── Weibo.php
│   │   └── Weixin.php
│   ├── Helper
│   │   └── Str.php                  字符串辅助类
│   └── OAuth.php                    抽象实例类
└── wx_proxy.php                     微信多域名代理文件