PHP code example of andrey-helldar / pretty-array

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download andrey-helldar/pretty-array library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


andrey-helldar / pretty-array example snippets

$array = [
    100 => 'foo',
    200 => 'bar',
    201 => 'baz',
    202 => 'qwe',
    205 => 'ert',
    206 => 'tyu'

$array = [
    100 => 'foo',
    200 => 'bar',
    205 => 'ert',

return [
    'unknownError' => 'Unknown Error',
    '0' => 'Unknown Error',

    '100' => 'Continue',
    '101' => 'Switching Protocols',
    '102' => 'Processing',

    '200' => 'OK',
    '201' => 'Created',
    '202' => 'Accepted',
    '203' => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
    '204' => 'No Content',
    '205' => 'Reset Content',
    '206' => 'Partial Content',
    '207' => 'Multi-Status',
    '208' => 'Already Reported',
    '226' => 'IM Used',

// ...

return [
    'unknownError' => 'Unknown Error',
    0 => 'Unknown Error',

    100 => 'Continue',
    'Switching Protocols',

    200 => 'OK',
    '201' => 'Created',
    'Non-Authoritative Information',
    'No Content',
    'Reset Content',
    'Partial Content',
    'Already Reported',
    226 => 'IM Used',

// ...

$array = array (
    'foo' => 1,
    'bar' => 2,
    'baz' => 3,
    'qwerty' => 'qaz',
    'baq' => array (
        0 => 'qwe',
        '1' => 'rty',
        'asd' => 'zxc',
    'asdfgh' => array (
        'foobarbaz' => 'qwe',
        2 => 'rty',
        'qawsed' => 'zxc',
    2 => 'iop',

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);

use DragonCode\Contracts\Pretty\Arr\Caseable;
use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\File;
use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

$formatted = $service->raw($array);


return [
    'foo' => 1,
    'bar' => 2,
    'baz' => 3,
    'qwerty' => 'qaz',
    'baq' => [
        0 => 'qwe',
        1 => 'rty',
        'asd' => 'zxc',
    'asdfgh' => [
        'foobarbaz' => 'qwe',
        2 => 'rty',
        'qawsed' => 'zxc',
    2 => 'iop',

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\File;
use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();


$formatted = $service->raw($array);
