1. Go to this page and download the library: Download andrey-helldar/cache library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
andrey-helldar / cache example snippets
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use Tests\Fixtures\Dto\DtoObject;
use Tests\Fixtures\Simple\CustomObject;
$arr1 = ['foo', 'bar'];
$arr2 = new ArrayObject(['foo', 'bar']);
$arr3 = DtoObject::make(['foo' => 'Foo', 'bar'=> 'Bar']);
$arr4 = new CustomObject();
->key([$arr1, $arr2, $arr3, $arr4, 'foo', 'bar'])
->tags([$arr1, $arr2, $arr3, $arr4, 'foo', 'bar']);
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use Tests\Fixtures\Dto\DtoObject;
use Tests\Fixtures\Simple\CustomObject;
['Foo', 'Bar'];
// as key: ['Foo', 'Bar']
// as tag: ['foo', 'bar']
new ArrayObject(['Foo', 'Bar']);
// as key: ['Foo', 'Bar']
// as tag: ['foo', 'bar']
DtoObject::make(['foo' => 'Foo', 'bar'=> 'Bar']);
// as key: ['Foo', 'Bar']
// as tag: ['foo', 'bar']
new CustomObject();
// as key: ['Foo']
// as tag: ['foo']
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar', [null, 'baz', 'baq']);
// Key is `d76f2bde023f5602ae837d01f4ec1876:660a13c00e04c0d3ffb4dbf02a84a07a:6fc3659bd986e86534c6587caf5f431a:bd62cbee62e027d0be4b1656781edcbf`
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
Cache::make()->key('foo', 'foo')->put('Foo');
Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar')->put('Bar');
// d76f2bde023f5602ae837d01f4ec1876:
// 086f76c144511e1198c29a261e87ca50: Foo
// 660a13c00e04c0d3ffb4dbf02a84a07a: Bar
// 1b9829f3bd21835a15735f3a65cc75e9: Baz
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
Cache::make()->key('foo', 'foo')->hashKey(false)->put('Foo');
Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar')->hashKey(false)->put('Bar');
// 0=foo:
// 1=foo: Foo
// 1=bar: Bar
// 0=baz: Baz
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
Cache::make()->withAuth()->key('foo', 'bar');
// instead of
Cache::make()->key(get_class(Auth::user()), Auth::id(), 'foo', 'bar');
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar', ['baz', 'baq']);
$cache->put(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->put('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`
$cache->remember(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->remember('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`
$cache->rememberForever(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->rememberForever('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`
// Returns cached `Some value`
// Returns `true`
// Returns `false`
// Will remove the key from the cache.
// Clears keys or tags by value
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use App\Models\User;
$user = User::first();
$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo');
$cache->put(static fn() => $user);
// or
// Contains cached `$user`
$cache->remember(static fn() => $user);
// or
// Contains cached `$user`
$cache->rememberForever(static fn() => $user);
// or
// Contains cached `$user`
// Returns User model
// Returns `true`
// Returns `false`
// Will remove the key from the cache.
// Clears keys or tags by value
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo');
$warmUp = false;
if ($warmUp) {
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DateTime;
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use DragonCode\Cache\Support\Ttl;
Cache::make()->ttl(fn () => 10);
Cache::make()->ttl(new DateTime('tomorrow'));
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DateTime;
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
Cache::make()->ttl(10, false);
Cache::make()->ttl('10', false);
Cache::make()->ttl(fn () => 10, false);
Cache::make()->ttl(Carbon::now()->addDay(), false);
Cache::make()->ttl(new DateTime('tomorrow'), false);
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use Tests\Fixtures\Simple\CustomObject;
Cache::make()->ttl(new CustomObject());
Cache::make()->ttl((object) ['foo' => 'Foo']);
// You can also specify that these values are in seconds, not minutes:
Cache::make()->ttl(CustomObject::class, false);
Cache::make()->ttl(new CustomObject(), false);
Cache::make()->ttl('custom_key', false);
Cache::make()->ttl((object) ['foo' => 'Foo'], false);
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
use DragonCode\Contracts\Cache\Ttl;
class Foo implements Ttl
protected $value;
public function __construct(string $value)
$this->value = $value;
public function cacheTtl(): int
return $this->value === 'foo' ? 123 : 456;
Cache::make()->ttl(new Foo('foo'));
// TTL is 7380 seconds
Cache::make()->ttl(new Foo('bar'));
// TTL is 27360 seconds
Cache::make()->ttl(new Foo('foo'), false);
// TTL is 123 seconds
Cache::make()->ttl(new Foo('bar'), false);
// TTL is 456 seconds
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
$cache = Cache::make()
->tags('actor', 'author')
->key('foo', 'bar', ['baz', 'baq']);
$cache->put(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->put('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`
// Returns cached `Some value`
// Returns `true`
// Returns `false`
// Will remove the key from the cache.
// Clears keys or tags by value
use DragonCode\Cache\Services\Cache;
$cache = Cache::make()->key('foo', 'bar');
$cache->tags('actor', 'author')->put(static fn() => 'Some value');
// or
$cache->tags('actor', 'author')->put('Some value');
// Contains cached `Some value`
$cache->tags('actor', 'author')->get();
// Returns cached `Some value`
// Returns `null`
// Returns `null`
// Clears keys or tags by value