PHP code example of andrewsauder / microsoft-services

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download andrewsauder/microsoft-services library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


andrewsauder / microsoft-services example snippets

$config = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\config();
$config->clientId = '{Azure Application ID}';
$config->clientSecret = '{Azure Client Secret}';  //certificates not yet supported
$config->tenant = '';
$config->driveId = '';                            //

$microsoftFiles = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\files( $config );
$files = $microsoftFiles->list();

//example subdirectory: {root}/2021-0001/Building 1/Inspections
$microsoftFiles = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\files( $config );
$files = $microsoftFiles->list( [ '2021-0001', 'Building 1', 'Inspections' ] );

$microsoftFiles = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\files( $config );
$uploadFileResponse = $microsoftFiles->upload( 'C:\tmp\testFile.txt', 'testFile.txt' );

//example subdirectory: {root}/2021-0001/Building 1/Inspections
$microsoftFiles = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\files( $config );
$uploadFileResponse = $microsoftFiles->upload( 'C:\tmp\testFile.txt', 'testFile.txt', [ '2021-0001', 'Building 1', 'Inspections' ] );

$microsoftFiles = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\files( $config );
$deleteResponse = $microsoftFiles->delete( $itemId );

$microsoftMail = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\mail( $config );
$microsoftMail->addAttachment( 'C:\tmp\testFile.txt' );
$rsp = $microsoftMail->send( '[email protected]', 'Subject', 'HTML compatible message', '[email protected]' );

if( $rsp->getStatus() < 200 || $rsp->getStatus() >= 300 ) {
    error_log( 'Failed' );

$microsoftMail = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\mail( $config );
$messages = $microsoftMail->getAllMessages( '[email protected]' );

$microsoftMail = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\mail( $config );
$messages = $microsoftMail->getMessagesInFolder( '[email protected]', 'mail-folder-id' );

$microsoftMail = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\mail( $config );
$folders = $microsoftMail->getFolders( '[email protected]' );

$microsoftMail = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\mail( $config );
$attachments = $microsoftMail->getAttachments( '[email protected]', 'message-id' );

$microsoftMail = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\mail( $config );
$graphResponse = $microsoftMail->deleteMessage( '[email protected]', 'message-id' );

$microsoftUserService = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\user( $config );
$users = $microsoftUserService->allUsersInOrganization();

$microsoftUserService = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\user( $config );
$users = $microsoftUserService->getUserByUserPrincipalName( '[email protected]' );

$microsoftUserService = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\user( $config );
$users = $microsoftUserService->getUserById( '15bd6895-bf60-4125-a1d2-affb7e0de5d8' );

$microsoftUserService = new \andrewsauder\microsoftServices\user( $config );
$users = $microsoftUserService->getUsersByFilter( 'startswith(userPrincipalName,"andrew")' );