PHP code example of andrewmead / wordpress-proper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download andrewmead/wordpress-proper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


andrewmead / wordpress-proper example snippets

use Proper\Number;

Number::abbreviate(654201); // 654.2K

use Proper\Periodic;

if (Periodic::check('verify_geo_database_file', 'PT30M')) {
    // Run some code every 30 minutes

// Define the period using a string
$should_verify = Periodic::check('verify_geo_database_file', 'PT3S');

// Define the period using a DateInterval
$interval = new DateInterval('PT3S');
$should_verify = Periodic::check('verify_geo_database_file', $interval);

use Proper\Number;

Number::abbreviate(1260000); // 1.3M

Number::abbreviate(133800); // 133.8K

// Round off decimals 
Number::abbreviate(133800, true); // 134K

use Proper\Timezone;

Timezone::site_timezone(); // new DateTimeZone('America/New_York')

use Proper\Timezone;

Timezone::site_offset(); // "-04:00"

use Proper\Timezone;

Timezone::site_offset_in_hours(); // -4

use Proper\Timezone;

Timezone::site_offset_in_seconds(); // -14400

use Proper\Timezone;

Timezone::utc_timezone(); // Will always return new DateTimeZone('UTC');

use Proper\Timezone;

Timezone::utc_offset(); // Will always return "+00:00"

use Proper\Timezone;

Timezone::utc_offset_in_hours(); // Will always return 0

use Proper\Timezone;

Timezone::utc_offset_in_seconds(); // Will always return 0