PHP code example of andrewdanilov / yii2-yandexmap

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download andrewdanilov/yii2-yandexmap library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


andrewdanilov / yii2-yandexmap example snippets

<?= \andrewdanilov\yandexmap\YandexMap::widget([
    'id'  => 'some-unique-dom-id', // optional, an ID applied to widget wrapper
    'apikey' => '', // optional, yandex map api key
    'center' => [
        'latitude' => '52.449837',
        'longitude' => '-1.930617',
    ], // or in short 'center' => ['52.449837', '-1.930617']
    'zoom' => 14, // optional, default 12
    'points' => [
            'id' => 'point-1',
            'title' => 'Point 1 Caption',
            'text' => 'Point 1 Text (html allowed)',
            'color' => '#00ff00',
            'latitude' => '52.449837',
            'longitude' => '-1.930617',
            'id' => 'point-2',
            'title' => 'Point 2 Caption',
            'text' => 'Point 2 Text (html allowed)',
            'color' => '#0000ff',
            'latitude' => '52.449845',
            'longitude' => '-1.930029',
    //'pointsUrl' => '/points.json', // url used to get an array of points instead of manual setting the 'points' param
    'scroll' => true, // optional, zoom map by scrolling, default false
    'wrapperTag' => 'div', // optional, html tag to wrap the map, default 'div'
    'wrapperOptions' => [ // optional, attributes passed to \yii\helpers\Html::tag() method for constructing map wrapper
        'class' => 'map-wrapper',
        'style' => 'width:100%;height:400px;',
    // Javascript function name to handle clicks on placemarks.
    // Callback function can accept just one param - point ID string.
    'jsPointsClickCallback' => 'myCallback',

$items = [
        "type" => "Feature",
        "id" => 'point-1',
        "geometry" => [
            "type" => "Point",
            "coordinates" => [52.449837, -1.930617],
        "properties" => [
            "hintContent" => 'some hint',
            "balloonContent" => 'some text',
        "type" => "Feature",
        "id" => 'point-2',
        "geometry" => [
            "type" => "Point",
            "coordinates" => [52.449845, -1.930029],
        "properties" => [
            "hintContent" => 'some other hint',
            "balloonContent" => 'some other text',
$collection = [
    "type" => "FeatureCollection",
    "features" => $items,
echo json_encode($collection);