PHP code example of amzn / amazon-pay-sdk-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download amzn/amazon-pay-sdk-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


amzn / amazon-pay-sdk-php example snippets

namespace AmazonPay;

uire_once, you can use the phar file instead
// ANT_ID',
    'access_key'  => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
    'secret_key'  => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
    'client_id'   => 'YOUR_LOGIN_WITH_AMAZON_CLIENT_ID',
    'region'      => 'REGION');

// or, instead of setting the array in the code, you can
// initialze the Client by specifying a JSON file
// $config = 'PATH_TO_JSON_FILE';

// Instantiate the client class with the config type
$client = new Client($config);

namespace AmazonPay;

$config = array(
    'merchant_id' => 'YOUR_MERCHANT_ID',
    'access_key'  => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
    'secret_key'  => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
    'client_id'   => 'YOUR_LOGIN_WITH_AMAZON_CLIENT_ID',
    'region'      => 'REGION',
    'sandbox'     => true);

$client = new Client($config);

// Also you can set the sandbox variable in the config() array of the Client class by


$proxy =  array();
$proxy['proxy_user_host'] // Hostname for the proxy
$proxy['proxy_user_port'] // Hostname for the proxy
$proxy['proxy_user_name'] // If your proxy 

namespace AmazonPay;

$requestParameters = array();

// AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID is obtained from the Amazon Pay Address/Wallet widgets
// ACCESS_TOKEN is obtained from the GET parameter from the URL.

// Required Parameter
$requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] = 'AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID';

// Optional Parameter
$requestParameters['address_consent_token']  = 'ACCESS_TOKEN';
$requestParameters['mws_auth_token']         = 'MWS_AUTH_TOKEN';

$response = $client->getOrderReferenceDetails($requestParameters);

$requestParameters = array();

// Optional Parameter
$requestParameters['mws_auth_token']         = 'MWS_AUTH_TOKEN';

$response = $client->getMerchantAccountStatus($requestParameters);
echo $response->toXml() . "\n";

// Sample Response
<GetMerchantAccountStatusResponse xmlns="">

$requestParameters = array();

// Required Parameter
$configArray['query_id']             = 'SELLER_ORDER_ID';
$configArray['query_id_type']        = 'SellerOrderId';

// Optional Parameter
$requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] = 'MWS_AUTH_TOKEN';
$configArray['page_size']            = "1";

$response = $client->listOrderReference($requestParameters);
echo $response->toXml() . "\n";

// Sample Response
<ListOrderReferenceResponse xmlns="">
          <StoreName>PHP SDK Test goGetOrderReferenceDetails</StoreName>
          <CustomInformation>PHP SDK Custom Information Testing</CustomInformation>
          <SellerOrderId>PHP SDK ID# 12345</SellerOrderId>

$requestParameters = array();

// Required Parameter
$configArray['next_page_token']            = "NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN";

$response = $client->listOrderReferenceByNextToken($requestParameters);
echo $response->toXml() . "\n";

// Sample Response
<ListOrderReferenceByNextTokenResponse xmlns="">
          <StoreName>PHP SDK Test goGetOrderReferenceDetails</StoreName>
          <CustomInformation>PHP SDK Custom Information Testing</CustomInformation>
          <SellerOrderId>PHP SDK ID# 12345</SellerOrderId>

namespace AmazonPay;

 Message body
$headers = getallheaders();
$body = file_get_contents('php://input');

// Create an object($ipnHandler) of the IpnHandler class
$ipnHandler = new IpnHandler($headers, $body);

$client = new AmazonPay\Client($config);

$notificationConfiguration['https://dev.null/ipn/onetime'] = array('ORDER_REFERENCE', 'PAYMENT_AUTHORIZE', 'PAYMENT_CAPTURE');
$notificationConfiguration['https://dev.null/ipn/recurring'] = array('BILLING_AGREEMENT');
$notificationConfiguration['https://dev.null/ipn/refunds'] = array('PAYMENT_REFUND', 'CHARGEBACK_DETAILED');
$requestParameters['notification_configuration_list'] = $notificationConfiguration;

// or, if you prefer all IPNs come to the same endpoint, do this one-liner instead:
// $requestParameters['notification_configuration_list'] = array('https://dev.null/ipn' => array('ALL'));

// if you are calling on behalf of another merhcant using delegated access, be sure to set the merchant ID and auth token:
// $requestParameters['merchant_id'] = 'THE_MERCHANT_ID';
// $requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] = 'THE_MWS_AUTH_TOKEN';

$response = $client->setMerchantNotificationConfiguration($requestParameters);
if ($response->toArray()['ResponseStatus'] !== '200') {
    print "error occured calling API";

// to troubleshoot, you can call GetMerchantNotificationConfiguration to view current IPN settings
$response = $client->getMerchantNotificationConfiguration($requestParameters);
print $response->toXml();

// Create an array that will contain the parameters for the charge API call
$requestParameters = array();

// Adding the parameters values to the respective keys in the array
$requestParameters['amazon_reference_id'] = 'AMAZON_REFERENCE_ID';

// Or
// If $requestParameters['amazon_reference_id'] is not provided,
// either one of the following ID input is needed
$requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] = 'AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID';
$requestParameters['amazon_billing_agreement_id'] = 'AMAZON_BILLING_AGREEMENT_ID';

$requestParameters['seller_id'] = null;
$requestParameters['charge_amount'] = '100.50';
$requestParameters['currency_code'] = 'USD';
$requestParameters['authorization_reference_id'] = 'UNIQUE STRING';
$requestParameters['transaction_timeout'] = 0;
$requestParameters['capture_now'] = false; //true for Digital goods
$requestParameters['charge_note'] = 'Example item note';
$requestParameters['charge_order_id'] = '1234-Example-Order';
$requestParameters['store_name'] = 'Example Store';
$requestParameters['platform_Id'] = null;
$requestParameters['custom_information'] = 'Any_Custom_String';
$requestParameters['mws_auth_token'] = null;

// Get the Authorization response from the charge method
$response = $client->charge($requestParameters);

 namespace AmazonPay;

// config array parameters that need to be instantiated
$config = array(
    'client_id' => 'YOUR_LWA_CLIENT_ID',
    'region'    => 'REGION');

$client = new Client($config);

// Client ID can also be set using the setter function setClientId($client_id)

// Get the Access Token from the URL
$access_token = 'ACCESS_TOKEN';
// Calling the function getUserInfo with the access token parameter returns object
$userInfo = $client->getUserInfo($access_token);

// Buyer name
// Buyer Email
// Buyer User Id

// Returns an object($response) of the class ResponseParser.php
$response = $client->getOrderReferenceDetails($requestParameters);

// XML response

// Associative array response

// JSON response

$ipnHandler = new IpnHandler($headers, $body);

// Raw message response

// Associative array response

// JSON response

namespace AmazonPay;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$log = new Logger('TestSDK');

$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::DEBUG));

$client = new Client('us.config');

$response = $client->getServiceStatus();


├── composer.json - Configuration for composer
├── LICENSE.txt
├── NOTICE.txt
├── AmazonPay
│   ├── Client.php - Main class with the API calls
│   ├── ClientInterface.php - Shows the public function definitions in Client.php
│   ├── HttpCurl.php -  Client class uses this file to execute the GET/POST
│   ├── HttpCurlInterface.php - Shows the public function definitions in the HttpCurl.php
│   ├── IpnHandler.php - Class handles verification of the IPN
│   ├── IpnHandlerInterface.php - Shows the public function definitions in the IpnHandler.php
│   ├── Regions.php -  Defines the regions that is supported
│   ├── ResponseParser.php -  Parses the API call response
│   └── ResponseInterface.php - Shows the public function definitions in the ResponseParser.php
└── UnitTests
    ├── ClientTest.php
    ├── config.json
    ├── coverage.txt
    ├── IpnHandlerTest.php
    └── Signature.php