PHP code example of amphp / sync

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download amphp/sync library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


amphp / sync example snippets

function writeExclusively(Amp\Sync\Mutex $mutex, string $filePath, string $data) {
    $lock = $mutex->acquire();
    try {
        Amp\File\write($filePath, $data);
    } finally {

function writeExclusively(Amp\Sync\Mutex $mutex, string $filePath, string $data) {
    Amp\Sync\synchronized($mutex, fn () => Amp\File\write($filePath, $data));

use Amp\Future;
use Amp\Sync\LocalMutex;
use Amp\Sync\LocalParcel;
use function Amp\async;
use function Amp\delay;

$parcel = new LocalParcel(new LocalMutex(), 42);

$future1 = async(function () use ($parcel): void {
    echo "Coroutine 1 started\n";

    $result = $parcel->synchronized(function (int $value): int {
        delay(1); // Delay for 1s to simulate I/O.
        return $value * 2;

    echo "Value after access in coroutine 1: ", $result, "\n";

$future2 = async(function () use ($parcel): void {
    echo "Coroutine 2 started\n";

    $result = $parcel->synchronized(function (int $value): int {
        delay(1); // Delay again in this coroutine.
        return $value + 8;

    echo "Value after access in coroutine 2: ", $result, "\n";

Future\await([$future1, $future2]); // Wait until both coroutines complete.

use Amp\Future;
use function Amp\async;
use function Amp\delay;

[$left, $right] = createChannelPair();

$future1 = async(function () use ($left): void {
    echo "Coroutine 1 started\n";
    delay(1); // Delay to simulate I/O.
    $received = $left->receive();
    echo "Received ", $received, " in coroutine 1\n";

$future2 = async(function () use ($right): void {
    echo "Coroutine 2 started\n";
    $received = $right->receive();
    echo "Received ", $received, " in coroutine 2\n";
    delay(1); // Delay to simulate I/O.
    $right->send($received * 2);

Future\await([$future1, $future2]); // Wait until both coroutines complete.

$urls = [...];

$results = [];

foreach ($urls as $url) {
    $results[$url] = fetch($url);


$urls = [...];

$results = [];

foreach ($urls as $url) {
    $results[$url] = Amp\async(fetch(...), $url);

$results = Amp\Future\await($results);


$urls = [...];

$results = [];

foreach (\array_chunk($urls, 10) as $chunk) {
    $futures = [];

    foreach ($chunk as $url) {
        $futures[$url] = Amp\async(fetch(...), $url);

    $results = \array_merge($results, Amp\Future\await($futures));


use Amp\Pipeline\Pipeline;
use function Amp\delay;

$urls = [...];

$results = Pipeline::fromIterable($urls)
    ->concurrent(10) // Process up to 10 URLs concurrently
    ->unordered() // Results may arrive out of order
    ->map(fetch(...)) // Map each URL to fetch(...)
