PHP code example of amphp / amp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download amphp/amp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


amphp / amp example snippets


$suspension = EventLoop::getSuspension();

EventLoop::delay(5, function () use ($suspension): void {
    print '++ Executing callback created by EventLoop::delay()' . PHP_EOL;


print '++ Suspending to event loop...' . PHP_EOL;


print '++ Script end' . PHP_EOL;

use function Amp\delay;

int '++ Executing callback passed to async()' . PHP_EOL;


    print '++ Finished callback passed to async()' . PHP_EOL;

print '++ Suspending to event loop...' . PHP_EOL;

print '++ Script end' . PHP_EOL;

doSomething(function ($error, $value) {
    if ($error) {
        /* ... */
    } else {
        /* ... */

try {
    $value = doSomething()->await();
} catch (...) {
    /* ... */

use Amp\Future;
use Amp\Http\Client\HttpClientBuilder;
use Amp\Http\Client\Request;

$httpClient = HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault();
$uris = [
    "google" => "",
    "news"   => "",
    "bing"   => "",
    "yahoo"  => "",

try {
    $responses = Future\await(array_map(function ($uri) use ($httpClient) {
        return Amp\async(fn () => $httpClient->request(new Request($uri, 'HEAD')));
    }, $uris));

    foreach ($responses as $key => $response) {
            "%s | HTTP/%s %d %s\n",
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // If any one of the requests fails the combo will fail
    echo $e->getMessage(), "\n";

final class DeferredFuture
    public function getFuture(): Future;
    public function complete(mixed $value = null);
    public function error(Throwable $throwable);

 // Example async producer using DeferredFuture

use Revolt\EventLoop;

function asyncMultiply(int $x, int $y): Future
    $deferred = new Amp\DeferredFuture;

    // Complete the async result one second from now
    EventLoop::delay(1, function () use ($deferred, $x, $y) {
        $deferred->complete($x * $y);

    return $deferred->getFuture();

$future = asyncMultiply(6, 7);
$result = $future->await();

var_dump($result); // int(42)

request("...", new Amp\TimeoutCancellation(30));

request("...", new Amp\SignalCancellation(SIGINT));

$deferredCancellation = new Amp\DeferredCancellation();

// Register some custom callback somewhere
onSomeEvent(fn () => $deferredCancellation->cancel());

request("...", $deferredCancellation->getCancellation());

$cancellation ??= new NullCancellationToken();