PHP code example of amnuts / opcache-gui

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download amnuts/opcache-gui library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


amnuts / opcache-gui example snippets

use Amnuts\Opcache\Service;

// assuming location of: /var/www/html/opcache.php
. */];

// setup the class and pass in your options, if you have any
$opcache = (new Service($options))->handle();

// assuming location of: /var/www/html/opcache.php

$options = [
    'allow_filelist'   => true,                // show/hide the files tab
    'allow_invalidate' => true,                // give a link to invalidate files
    'allow_reset'      => true,                // give option to reset the whole cache
    'allow_realtime'   => true,                // give option to enable/disable real-time updates
    'refresh_time'     => 5,                   // how often the data will refresh, in seconds
    'size_precision'   => 2,                   // Digits after decimal point
    'size_space'       => false,               // have '1MB' or '1 MB' when showing sizes
    'charts'           => true,                // show gauge chart or just big numbers
    'debounce_rate'    => 250,                 // milliseconds after key press to send keyup event when filtering
    'per_page'         => 200,                 // How many results per page to show in the file list, false for no pagination
    'cookie_name'      => 'opcachegui',        // name of cookie
    'cookie_ttl'       => 365,                 // days to store cookie
    'datetime_format'  => 'D, d M Y H:i:s O',  // Show datetime in this format
    'highlight'        => [
        'memory' => true,                      // show the memory chart/big number
        'hits'   => true,                      // show the hit rate chart/big number
        'keys'   => true,                      // show the keys used chart/big number
        'jit'    => true                       // show the jit buffer chart/big number
    // json structure of all text strings used, or null for default
    'language_pack'    => null

$opcache = (new Service([
    'refresh_time' => 2,
    'allow_reset' => false

$opcache = (new Service([
    'language_pack' => <<<EOJSON
    "Overview": "Crows nest",
    "Cached": "Thar Booty",
    "Ignored": "The Black Spot",
    "Preloaded": "Ready an' waitin', Cap'n",
    "Reset cache": "Be gone, yer scurvy dogs!",
    "Enable real-time update": "Keep a weathered eye",
    "Disable real-time update": "Avert yer eyes, sea dog!"
shell script
ln -s /var/www/vendor/amnuts/opcache-gui/index.php /var/www/html/opcache.php