PHP code example of amitxd / libconfig

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download amitxd/libconfig library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


amitxd / libconfig example snippets

use AmitxD\LibConfig\LibConfig;

// Initialize LibConfig with the path to your YAML configuration file
$config = new LibConfig('path/to/your/config.yaml');

// Get a configuration value by key, providing a default value if not found
$value = $config->get('key', 'default_value');

// Set a configuration value by key
$config->set('key', 'new_value');

// Save the changes back to the YAML file

use AmitxD\LibConfig\LibConfig;

// Initialize LibConfig with the path to your YAML configuration file
$config = new LibConfig('config.yaml');

// Get a configuration value
$siteTitle = $config->get('site.title', 'My Website');

// Output the site title
echo "Site Title: $siteTitle\n";

// Set a new configuration value
$config->set('site.title', 'Updated Website Title');

// Save the changes back to the YAML file