PHP code example of amirhs712 / rule-builder

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download amirhs712/rule-builder library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


amirhs712 / rule-builder example snippets

   $rules = [
        'username' => nope()->ringOf(30)->confirmed()->get() //[

    $rules = [
        'username' => nope()->stringOf(30)->toString(1), //string|max:30|lable

    $rules = [
        'date' => nope()->after('today')->get(),

        'another_date' => nope()->afterOrEqual(now()->addMonth())->get(),

    ->alpha($min, $max)
    ->alphaDash($min, $max)
    ->alphaNum($min, $max)
    ->array($min, $max)
    ->integer($min, $max)
    ->numeric($min, $max)
    ->string($min, $max)

        'field1' => nope()->raw('string|max:30')->get(),
        'field2' => nope()->raw(['string', 'max:30'])->get(),
        'field3' => nope()->raw(new ValidationObject)->get(),
        'field4' => nope()->raw([new ValidationObject, new AnotherObject])->get(),
        'field5' => nope()->raw('string')->raw('max')->get(),

nope()->when($conditionIsMet, function(Nope $nope){

$rules = [
    'image1' => nope()->dimensions(['width' => 300, 'height' => 300])->get(),

    'image2' => nope()->dimensions(Rule::dimensions()->width(300)->height(300))->get(),

nope()->myCustomExtendedRule($arg1, $arg2,...)->get(); //Results in: ["my_custom_extended_rule:$arg1, $arg2,..."]