PHP code example of amazon-php / sp-api-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download amazon-php/sp-api-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


amazon-php / sp-api-sdk example snippets

use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\OAuth;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\Configuration;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\HttpFactory;
use Buzz\Client\Curl;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;

$factory = new Psr17Factory();
$client = new Curl($factory);

$oauth = new OAuth(
    $httpFactory = new HttpFactory($factory, $factory),
    $config = Configuration::forIAMUser(
    new NullLogger()

$accessToken = $oauth->exchangeRefreshToken('seller_oauth_refresh_token');

use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\OAuth;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\Configuration;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\HttpFactory;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\STSClient;
use Buzz\Client\Curl;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;

$factory = new Psr17Factory();
$client = new Curl($factory);

$sts = new STSClient(
    $requestFactory = $factory,
    $streamFactory = $factory

$oauth = new OAuth(
    $httpFactory = new HttpFactory($requestFactory, $streamFactory),
    $config = Configuration::forIAMRole(
    new NullLogger()

$accessToken = $oauth->exchangeRefreshToken('seller_oauth_refresh_token');

use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\Marketplace;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\Regions;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\SellingPartnerSDK;
use Buzz\Client\Curl;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\Exception\ApiException;
use AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\Configuration;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;

ent, $factory, $factory, $configuration, $logger);

$accessToken = $sdk->oAuth()->exchangeRefreshToken('seller_oauth_refresh_token');

try {
    $item = $sdk->catalogItem()->getCatalogItem(
        $asin = 'B07W13KJZC',
        $marketplaceId = [Marketplace::US()->id()]
} catch (ApiException $exception) {

$configuration->registerExtension(new class implements \AmazonPHP\SellingPartner\Extension {
    public function preRequest(string $api, string $operation, RequestInterface $request): void
        echo "pre: " . $api . "::" . $operation . " " . $request->getUri() . "\n";

    public function postRequest(string $api, string $operation, RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response): void
        echo "post: " . $api . "::" . $operation . " " . $request->getUri() . " "
            . $response->getStatusCode() . " rate limit: " . implode(' ', $response->getHeader('x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit')) . "\n";

