PHP code example of amaxlab / git-web-hook

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download amaxlab/git-web-hook library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


amaxlab / git-web-hook example snippets


$options = array(
    'sendEmails'          => true,
    'sendEmailAuthor'     => true,
    'mailRecipients'      => array(),
    'allowedAuthors'      => '*',
    'allowedHosts'        => '*',

$hook = new Hook(__DIR__, $options);
	->addRepository('[email protected]:amaxlab/git-web-hook.git', '/var/www/my_project_folder/web', array(/*command executed on each push to repository*/))
		->addBranch('master', array('git status', 'git reset --hard HEAD', 'git pull origin master'), '/var/www/my_project_folder/demo_subdomain',  array(/* array of redefined options*/)) // commands executed on push to specified branch in /var/www/html/my_site/ folder
 		->addBranch('production', 'git pull origin production');




$hook = new Hook(__DIR__);

$options = array(
    'sendEmails'            => false,                          // Enable or disable sending emails
    'sendEmailAuthor'       => false,                          // Enable or disable sending email commit author
    'sendEmailFrom'         => 'git-web-hook@'.gethostname(),  // Email address from which messages are sent
    'mailRecipients'        => array(),                        // Array of subscribers
    'allowedAuthors'        => array(),                        // Array of commit authors allowed to execute commands
    'allowedHosts'          => array(),                        // Array of hook hosts allowed to execute commands
    'securityCode'          => '',                             // Security code on check $_GET request
    'securityCodeFieldName' => 'code',                         // $_GET field name of security code
    'repositoryFieldName'   => 'url',                          // Repository filed name on the JSON query

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;


$logger = new Logger('git-web-hook');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(__DIR__ . '/hook.log', Logger::WARNING));


$hook = new Hook(__DIR__, $options, $logger);

$hook = new Hook(__DIR__, $options);
$hook->loadRepos('/path/to/derectory/'); // or $hook->loadConfig('/path/to/file); if you specify `repositoriesDir` in main config.yml

$options = array(
    'securityCode'          => 'GjnfkrjdsqKfvgjcjc',
    'securityCodeFieldName' => 'mySecurityCode',
$ php composer 
$ php composer create-project amaxlab/git-web-hook-composer-install ./git-web-hook --prefer-dist


Jan 01 00:00:00 WARN Security code not match