PHP code example of alwaysblank / schemer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alwaysblank/schemer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alwaysblank / schemer example snippets

echo AlwaysBlank\Schemer\Scheme\PostalAddress::build([
    ['street', '123 Oak St'],
    ['state', 'OR'],
    ['city', 'Portland'],
    ['zip', '97123'],
    ['pobox', 'P.O. 1234'],
    ['country', 'USA'],

// <span itemscope itemprop=""><span itemprop="streetAddress">123 Oak St</span><span itemprop="addressRegion">OR</span><span itemprop="addressLocality">Portland</span><span itemprop="postalCode">97123</span><span itemprop="postOfficeBoxNumber">P.O. 1234</span><span itemprop="addressCountry">USA</span></span>

echo AlwaysBlank\Schemer\Scheme\PostalAddress::build([
    ['street', '123 Oak St'],
    ['state', 'OR'],
    ['city', 'Portland'],
    ['zip', '97123'],
    ['pobox', 'P.O. 1234'],
    ['country', 'USA'],
], [
    'tag' => 'a',
    'attributes' => [
        'href'      => '',
        'hidden'    => true,
// <a itemscope itemprop="" href="' hidden><span itemprop="streetAddress">123 Oak St</span><span itemprop="addressRegion">OR</span><span itemprop="addressLocality">Portland</span><span itemprop="postalCode">97123</span><span itemprop="postOfficeBoxNumber">P.O. 1234</span><span itemprop="addressCountry">USA</span></a>

$Node = Node::add([
    'itemscope'     => true,
    'itemtype'      => '',
    'itemprop'      => 'description',
    'tag'           => 'div',
    'content'       => "Always Blank",
    'attributes'    => [
        'href'      => '',
        'hidden'    => true,

class Example extends AlwaysBlank\Schemer\Scheme\Scheme
    use City;
    use Name;
    public static function wrap(string $content, array $args = []): Node
        return Node::add(array_merge([
            'itemscope'     => true,
            'itemtype'      => '',
            'content'       => $content,
            'tag'           => 'section',
            'attributes'    => [
                'data-section' => 'example',
        ], $args));