PHP code example of alverspb / teletant

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alverspb/teletant library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alverspb / teletant example snippets

use Askoldex\Teletant\Bot;
use Askoldex\Teletant\Context;
use Askoldex\Teletant\Settings;

$settings = new Settings('token');
$bot = new Bot($settings);



$bot->onCommand('start', function (Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->reply('Hello world');

$bot->onMessage('sticker', function (Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->reply('Nice sticker!');

$bot->onUpdate('message', function (Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->reply('Answer on any message (text, sticker, photo, etc.)');

$bot->onAction('like', function (Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->reply('You pressed the button with callaback_data=like');

$bot->onHears('fu*k', function (Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->reply('Stop! If you continue, you will be banned');

$bot->onHears(['di*k', 'f**k'], function (Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->reply('Stop! If you continue, you will be banned');

$bot->onText('/message {user:integer} {message:string}', function (Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->withVars()->reply("User id: {v-user}\nMessage: {v-message}");