PHP code example of alternatex / widespread

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alternatex/widespread library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alternatex / widespread example snippets

// ...
Widespread\Widespread as Widespread;


// ...
$data = Widespread::FetchMetadata(

  // path to entity

  // properties to extract
  array('UUID', 'Name', 'Repository', 'Version', 'Sort', 'Status'),

  // sort by field

  // sort ascending

  // filters to apply

    // published only
    'Status' => array(
      array('NOT', 'Published')

    // restrict by name
    'Name' => array(
      array('IN', array('Include_1', 'Include_2')),
      array('EX', array('Exclude_1'))

    // restrict by age
    'Sort'  => array(
      array('LT', 1000), 
      array('GT', 200)


// ...
foreach(array('buckets', 'options', 'widgets') as $context) $$context = array(); // $buckets = $options = $widgets = array();

// fetch partials

// create mustache rendering engine helper
$m = new \Mustache_Engine(array('partials' => $buckets));

// process
print $m->render($buckets['index.html'], $data);


// ...
$data = array(

// default access
$segment_a = &Widespread::AccessSegment($data, '');

// custom delimiter
$segment_b = &Widespread::AccessSegment($data, 'path/to/prop/where/ever', null, null, null, '/');

// ...
$segment_a = 'test';

// ...
echo $data['path']->to['prop']['where']->ever;

// ...
$segment_b = 'test2';

// ...
echo $data['path']->to['prop']['where']->ever;