PHP code example of alphasnow / aliyun-oss-flysystem

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alphasnow/aliyun-oss-flysystem library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alphasnow / aliyun-oss-flysystem example snippets

use OSS\OssClient;
use AlphaSnow\Flysystem\Aliyun\AliyunFactory;

$config = [
    "access_key_id" => "**************",             // Required, YourAccessKeyId
    "access_key_secret" => "********************",   // Required, YourAccessKeySecret
    "endpoint" => "",    // Required, Endpoint
    "bucket" => "bucket-name",                       // Required, Bucket

$flysystem = (new AliyunFactory())->createFilesystem($config);

$flysystem->write("", "contents");
$flysystem->writeStream("", fopen("", "r"));

$fileExists = $flysystem->fileExists("");
$flysystem->copy("", "");
$flysystem->move("", "");
$has = $flysystem->has("");

$read = $flysystem->read("");
$readStream = $flysystem->readStream("");

$directoryExists = $flysystem->directoryExists("foo/");

$listContents = $flysystem->listContents("/", true);
$listPaths = [];
foreach ($listContents as $listContent) {
    $listPaths[] = $listContent->path();

$lastModified = $flysystem->lastModified("");
$fileSize = $flysystem->fileSize("");
$mimeType = $flysystem->mimeType("");

$flysystem->setVisibility("", "private");
$visibility = $flysystem->visibility("");

$flysystem->write("", "contents", [
    "options" => ["checkmd5" => false]
$flysystem->write("", "contents", [
    "headers" => ["Content-Disposition" => "attachment;"]
$flysystem->write("", "contents", [
    "visibility" => "private"