PHP code example of alphaolomi / swahilies-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alphaolomi/swahilies-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alphaolomi / swahilies-php example snippets

use Alphaolomi\Swahilies\Swahilies;

$swahilies = new Swahilies([]);
// Or
$swahilies = Swahilies::create([
    'apiKey' => 'csdheruvhhjdhvjadmvjehrve',
    'username' => 'Company name',
    'isLive' => false, // ie. sandbox mode

$response = $swahilies->payments()->request([
    // TZS by default
    'amount' => 50000,
    // 255 is country code for Tanzania, Only Tanzania is supported for now
    'orderId' => $order->id,
    'phoneNumber' => "255783262616",
    'cancelUrl' => "",
    'webhookUrl' => "",
    'successUrl' => "",
    'metadata' => [],


// Output:
// [
//     "payment_url" => ""
// ]

// Webhooks
// You can use the following code to verify the webhook signature

$requestBody = /** get the request body from the webhook request **/;

$isValid = $swahilies->webhooks()
    ->verify($request->getContent()); // true/false