PHP code example of alpari / binary-protocol

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alpari/binary-protocol library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alpari / binary-protocol example snippets

namespace Alpari\BinaryProtocol;

use Alpari\BinaryProtocol\Stream\StreamInterface;

 * Declares the type that can be packed/unpacked from/to binary stream
interface TypeInterface
     * Reads a value from the stream
     * @param StreamInterface $stream Instance of stream to read value from
     * @param string          $path   Path to the item to simplify debug of complex hierarchical structures
     * @return mixed
    public function read(StreamInterface $stream, string $path);

     * Writes the value to the given stream
     * @param mixed           $value  Value to write
     * @param StreamInterface $stream Instance of stream to write to
     * @param string          $path   Path to the item to simplify debug of complex hierarchical structures
     * @return void
    public function write($value, StreamInterface $stream, string $path): void;

     * Calculates the size in bytes of single item for given value
     * @param mixed  $value Value to write
     * @param string $path  Path to the item to simplify debug of complex hierarchical structures
     * @return int
    public function sizeOf($value = null, string $path =''): int;

 * SchemeDefinitionInterface represents a class that holds definition of his scheme
interface SchemeDefinitionInterface
     * Returns the definition of class scheme as an associative array if form of [property => type]
    public static function getDefinition(): array;

use Alpari\BinaryProtocol\Type\Int16BE as Int16;
use Alpari\BinaryProtocol\SchemeDefinitionInterface;

 * ApiVersions response data
class ApiVersionsResponseMetadata implements SchemeDefinitionInterface
     * Numerical code of API
     * @var integer
    public $apiKey;

     * Minimum supported version.
     * @var integer
    public $minVersion;

     * Maximum supported version.
     * @var integer
    public $maxVersion;

     * @inheritdoc
    public static function getDefinition(): array
        return [
            'apiKey'     => [Int16::class],
            'minVersion' => [Int16::class],
            'maxVersion' => [Int16::class],

 return [
     'partitions' => [ArrayOf::class => [
        'item' => [Int32::class]

use Alpari\BinaryProtocol\BinaryProtocol;
use Alpari\BinaryProtocol\Type\Int32;

$protocol = new BinaryProtocol();
$protocol->write(-10000, [Int32::class], $stream);
$value = $protocol->read([Int32::class], $stream);

use Alpari\BinaryProtocol\BinaryProtocolInterface;
use Alpari\BinaryProtocol\Type\SchemeType;
use Alpari\BinaryProtocol\SchemeDefinitionInterface;

class Record implements SchemeDefinitionInterface
     * Record constructor
    public function __construct(
        string $value,
        ?string $key = null,
        array $headers = [],
        int $attributes = 0,
        int $timestampDelta = 0,
        int $offsetDelta = 0
    ) {
        $this->value          = $value;
        $this->key            = $key;
        $this->headers        = $headers;
        $this->attributes     = $attributes;
        $this->timestampDelta = $timestampDelta;
        $this->offsetDelta    = $offsetDelta;

        // Length field uses delayed evaluation to allow size calculation
        $this->length = function (BinaryProtocolInterface $scheme, string $path) {
            // To calculate full length we use scheme without `length` field
            $recordSchemeDefinition = self::getDefinition();
            $recordSchemeType = [SchemeType::class => ['class' => self::class, 'scheme' => $recordSchemeDefinition]];
            // Redefine our lazy field with calculated value
            $this->length = $size = $scheme->sizeOf($this, $recordSchemeType, $path);
            return $size;

     * @inheritdoc
    public static function getDefinition(): array
        return [
            'length'         => [VarIntZigZag::class],
            'attributes'     => [Int8::class],
            'timestampDelta' => [VarLongZigZag::class],
            'offsetDelta'    => [VarIntZigZag::class],
            'key'            => [BinaryString::class => [
                'size'     => [VarIntZigZag::class],
                'nullable' => true
            'value'          => [BinaryString::class => ['size' => [VarIntZigZag::class]]],
            'headers'        => [ArrayOf::class => [
                'key'  => 'key',
                'item' => [Header::class],
                'size' => [VarInt::class]