PHP code example of almservices / attributed-graphql-model-types

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download almservices/attributed-graphql-model-types library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


almservices / attributed-graphql-model-types example snippets

#[Model(name: "AnimalAlias")]
class Animal
    public int $id;

    public string $name;

 * @Model(name: "AnimalAlias")
class Animal
     * @ID
     * @Field
    public int $id;

     * @Field
    public string $name;

class AnimalType extends ModelType
    public function __construct(bool $isProd)
        parent::__construct(Animal::class, new TypeContainer($isProd), $isProd);

new ModelType(Animal::class, new TypeContainer($isProd), $isProd);

class AnimalType extends \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType {
    public function __construct() {
            'name' => 'AnimalAlias',
            'fields' => static fn () => [
                'id' => [
                    'resolve' => static fn (Animal $animal) => $animal->id,
                    'type' => self::nonNull(self::id()),
                'name' => [
                    'resolve' => static fn (Animal $animal) => $animal->name,
                    'type' => self::nonNull(self::string()),

#[Model(name: "Foo")]
class Foo
    public int $bar;

    public function baz(): string
        return 'baz';

#[Model(name: "AnimalAlias")]
class Foo
    public int $foo;

#[Model(name: "Family")]
enum Family
    case SEAL;
    case BEAR;

#[Model(name: "Foo")]
class InlineEnum
    #[Enum("SingleEnum", "A", "B", "C", "D")]
    public string $single;

    #[Enum("ListEnum", "A", "B", "C", "D")]
    public array $list;

class SomeEnum: string
    case FOO = 'foo'; // FOO

class SomeEnum: int
    case FOO = 1; // FOO

class SomeEnum: string
    case FOO = "bar"; // foo

class SomeEnum: int
    case FOO = 1; // foo

class SomeEnum: int
    case FOO;
    case BAR;
    case BAZ;

class Foo
    #[ListOf(type: "string")]
    public \Traversable $test; // [String]!

    #[ListOf(type: "string")]
    public array $foo; // [String]!

    #[ListOf(type: self::class)]
    public iterable $bar; // [Foo]!

    #[ListOf(type: OtherModel::class)]
    public array $baz; // [OtherModel]!

    #[ListOf(type: OtherModel::class)]
    public \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection $qux; // [OtherModel]!

class Foo {
    public array $list; // [String!]!

class FooBar implements Stringable
    private string $type;

    private function __construct(string $type)
        $this->type = $type;

    public static function foo(): self
        return new self('foo');

    public static function bar(): self
        return new self('foo');

    public function __toString(): string
        return $this->type;

#[Model(name: "Foo")]
class Foo {
    public readonly FooBar $id;

#[Model(name: "Foo")]
class Foo {
    public function __construct(
        private string $foo,
        private string $bar,
    ) {}

    public function id(): string
        return $this->foo . $this->bar;

#[Model(name: "Foo")]
class Foo {
    #[Deprecated("Do not use, use instead")]
    public function foo(): string
        return 'foo';

    public function bar(): string
        return 'bar';

#[Description("Foo is Bar")]
#[Model(name: "Foo")]
class Foo {
    #[Description("Foo foo?")]
    public function foo(): string
        return 'foo';

class Foo {
    #[Argument(name: "bar", type: "string", nullable: false)]
    #[Argument(name: "baz", type: "[String!]!")]
    #[Argument(name: "qux", type: "[string]", nullable: false)]
    public function bar(
            "baz" => "string[]"
        array $args
    ): string
        return implode(", ", $args['baz']);

class MyInput extends InputObjectType {
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct("MyInput", $this->fields());

     * @return \Generator<FieldInterface>
    private function fields(): \Generator
        yield new Field("foo", Type::nonNull(Type::string()));

// we need to register MyInput into map
$typeContainer = new TypeContainer();
$typeContainer->set(MyInput::class, new MyInput());
$typeContainer->set("MyInput", new MyInput());

class Foo {
    #[Argument(name: "baz", type: MyInput::class, nullable: false)]
    public function bar(
            "baz" => [
                "foo" => "string"
        array $args
    ): string
        return $args['baz']['foo'];

class Foo {
    public function bar(
        #[ArrayShape([])] array $args,
        Context $context,
        ResolveInfo $resolveInfo
    ): string
        return '';