PHP code example of almacil / php-database

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download almacil/php-database library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


almacil / php-database example snippets

// Create instance
$db = new \Almacil\Database($database);

// Basic
$db->find($collection, /* function to find */);
$db->insert($collection, $item);
$db->update($collection, /* function to find */, $update);
$db->remove($collection, /* function to find */, $permanent);

// More
$db->count($collection, /* function to find */);
$db->findOne($collection, /* function to find */);
$db->upsert($collection, /* function to find */, $update);

// Require composer autoloader
son files of databases
$database = __DIR__ . '/data';

// Create de instance
$db = new \Almacil\Database($database);

// "database/collection" or "collection" or "collection/subcollection"
$collection = 'mycollection/mysubcollection';

// ... after insert

$find = new stdClass();
$find->_id = $newItem->_id;

$items = $db->update($collection, function($item) use ($find) {
    return $find->_id === $item->_id;

// ... after create instance $db
$item = new stdClass();
$item->name = 'Rubén';
$newItem = $db->insert($collection, $item);

// ... after insert

$find = new stdClass();
$find->_id = $newItem->_id;

$update = new stdClass();
$update->name = 'Rubén Pérez';

$numberItemsUpdated = $db->update($collection, function($item) use ($find) {
    return $find->_id === $item->_id;
}, $update);

// ... after insert

$find = new stdClass();
$find->_id = $newItem->_id;

$permanent = true;

$numberItemsRemoved = $db->remove($collection, function($item) use ($find) {
    return $find->_id === $item->_id;
}, $permanent);
composer requiere almacil/php-database