PHP code example of allyans3 / dmarket-auth-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download allyans3/dmarket-auth-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


allyans3 / dmarket-auth-api example snippets

//Replace with your own keys
$publicKey = "8397eb8e7f88032eb13dca99a11350b05d290c896a96afd60b119184b1b443c9";
$secretKey = "2de2824ac1752d0ed3c66abc67bec2db553022aa718287a1e773e104303031208397eb8e7f88032eb13dca99a11350b05d290c896a96afd60b119184b1b443c9";

$api = new DMarketAuthApi($publicKey, $secretKey);

// Used to get detailed response

// Account
$api->getUserProfile(array $proxy = [])
$api->getUserBalance(array $proxy = [])

// Sell Items
$api->depositAssets(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])
$api->getDepositStatus(string $depositId, array $proxy = [])
$api->getUserOffers(array $queries = [], array $proxy = [])
$api->createUserOffers(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])
$api->editUserOffers(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])
$api->getMarketItems(array $queries, array $proxy = [])
$api->deleteOffers(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])

// Inventory/items
$api->getUserInventory(array $queries = [], array $proxy = [])
$api->syncUserInventory(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])
$api->withdrawAssets(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])
$api->getUserItems(array $queries, array $proxy = [])
$api->getCustomizedFees(array $queries, array $proxy = [])

// Sold user items
$api->getClosedUserOffers(array $queries = [], array $proxy = [])

// Buy items
$api->getOffersByTitle(array $queries, array $proxy = [])
$api->getTargetsByTitle(string $gameId, string $title, array $proxy = [])
$api->getAggregatedPrices(array $queries, array $proxy = [])
$api->getUserTargets(array $queries = [], array $proxy = [])
$api->getClosedUserTargets(array $queries = [], array $proxy = [])
$api->createUserTargets(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])
$api->deleteUserTargets(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])
$api->buyOffers(array $postParams, array $proxy = [])

// Aggregator
$api->getLastSales(array $queries, array $proxy = [])