PHP code example of alleyinteractive / wp-match-blocks

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alleyinteractive/wp-match-blocks library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alleyinteractive / wp-match-blocks example snippets

$grafs = \Alley\WP\match_blocks( $post, [ 'name' => 'core/paragraph' ] );

$grafs = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'flatten' => true,
        'name'    => 'core/paragraph',

$count = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'count' => true,
        'name'  => 'core/paragraph',

$blocks = parse_blocks( '<!-- wp:group --><div class="wp-block-group"><!-- wp:paragraph -->…<!-- wp:group /-->' );

$count = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'count' => true,
        'name'  => 'core/paragraph',

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
    '<!-- wp:paragraph -->…',
        'name' => [ 'core/heading', 'core/paragraph' ],

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
    [ /* blocks */ ],
        'name'       => 'core/paragraph',
        'with_attrs' => 'align',

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'attrs' => [
                'key'   => 'align',
                'value' => 'right',
        'name'  => 'core/paragraph',

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'attrs' => [
                'key'      => 'align',
                'value'    => 'right',
                'operator' => '!==',
        'name'  => 'core/paragraph',

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'attrs' => [
                'key'      => 'align',
                'value'    => [ 'left', 'right' ],
                'operator' => 'IN',
        'name'  => 'core/paragraph',

$images = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'attrs' => [
                'key'      => 'credit',
                'value'    => '/(The )?Associated Press/i',
                'operator' => 'REGEX',
                'key'   => 'credit',
                'value' => 'AP',
            'relation' => 'OR',
        'name'  => 'core/image',

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'name'           => 'core/shortcode',
        'with_innerhtml' => '[bc_video',

final class YouTube_Video_Exists extends \Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Validator {
    // ...

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'name'     => 'core/embed',
        'attrs'    => [
                'key'   => 'providerNameSlug',
                'value' => 'youtube',
        'is_valid' => new \Alley\Validator\Not( new YouTube_Video_Exists(), '…' ),

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'limit' => 3,

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'limit' => 3,
        'name'  => 'core/paragraph',

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'name'        => 'core/paragraph',
        'nth_of_type' => 3,

// Or, skip straight to the parsed block:

$block = \Alley\WP\match_block(
        'name'        => 'core/paragraph',
        'nth_of_type' => '3n',

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'name'        => 'core/paragraph',
        'nth_of_type' => '3n',

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'name'        => 'core/paragraph',
        'nth_of_type' => [ 'n+3', '-n+8' ],

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'name'     => 'core/paragraph',
        'position' => 3,

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'position' => [ -1, -2 ],

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks( $post );

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'name'              => null,
        'skip_empty_blocks' => false,

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'has_innerblocks' => true,

$blocks = \Alley\WP\match_blocks(
        'has_innerblocks' => false,

// '<!-- wp:media-text {"mediaId":617,"mediaType":"image","isStackedOnMobile":false,"className":"alignwide"} -->';

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Attribute(
        'key'   => 'mediaType',
        'value' => 'image',

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Attribute(
        'key'          => [ 'mediaType', 'mediaId' ],
        'key_operator' => 'IN',

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Attribute(
        'key'          => '/^media/',
        'key_operator' => 'REGEX',
        'value'        => [ 'image', 'video' ],
        'operator'     => 'IN',

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Attribute(
        'key'          => '/^media/',
        'key_operator' => 'REGEX',
        'value'        => [ 'audio', 'document' ],
        'operator'     => 'NOT IN',

// '
// <!-- wp:paragraph -->
// <p>The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable.</p>
// <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
// '

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_InnerHTML(
        'content'  => 'wordpress',
        'operator' => 'LIKE',

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_InnerHTML(
        'content'  => 'WordPress',
        'operator' => 'CONTAINS',

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_InnerHTML(
        'content'  => '/^\s*<p>\s*</p>/',
        'operator' => 'NOT REGEX',

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Name(
        'name' => 'core/paragraph',

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Name(
        'name' => [ 'core/gallery', 'jetpack/slideshow', 'jetpack/tiled-gallery' ],

$blocks = parse_blocks(
<!-- wp:paragraph --><p>Hello, world!</p><!-- /wp:paragraph -->

<!-- wp:archives {\"displayAsDropdown\":true,\"showPostCounts\":true} /-->

<!-- wp:media-text {\"mediaId\":617,\"mediaType\":\"image\",\"isStackedOnMobile\":false,\"className\":\"alignwide\"} -->

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Offset(
        'blocks' => $blocks,
        'offset' => 1,
$valid->isValid( $blocks[2] ); // true

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Offset(
        'blocks'            => $blocks,
        'offset'            => [ 4 ],
        'skip_empty_blocks' => false,
$valid->isValid( $blocks[4] ); // true

$valid = new Alley\WP\Validator\Block_Offset(
        'blocks' => $blocks,
        'offset' => -2,
$valid->isValid( $blocks[2] ); // true

$blocks = parse_blocks(
<!-- wp:foo -->
    <!-- wp:bar -->
        <!-- wp:baz /-->
    <!-- /wp:bar -->
<!-- /wp:foo -->

$valid = new \Alley\WP\Validator\Block_InnerBlocks_Count(
        'count'    => 1,
        'operator' => '===',
$valid->isValid( $blocks[0] ); // true

$valid = new \Alley\WP\Validator\Block_InnerBlocks_Count(
        'count'    => 0,
        'operator' => '>',
$valid->isValid( $blocks[0] ); // true

$valid = new \Alley\WP\Validator\Block_InnerBlocks_Count(
        'count'    => 42,
        'operator' => '<=',
$valid->isValid( $blocks[0] ); // true

$blocks = parse_blocks( "\n" );

$valid = new \Alley\WP\Validator\Nonempty_Block();
$valid->isValid( $blocks[0] ); // false