PHP code example of alleyinteractive / wp-block-converter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alleyinteractive/wp-block-converter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alleyinteractive / wp-block-converter example snippets

use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block_Converter;

$converter = new Block_Converter( '<p>Some HTML</p>' );

$blocks = $converter->convert(); // Returns a string of converted blocks.

use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block;

add_filter( 'wp_block_converter_block', function ( Block $block, \DOMElement $node ): ?Block {
	// Modify the block before it is serialized.
	$block->content = '...';
	$block->blockName = '...';
	$block->attributes = [ ... ];

	return $block;
}, 10, 2 );

add_filter( 'wp_block_converter_document_html', function( string $blocks, \DOMNodeList $content ): string {
	// ...
	return $blocks;
}, 10, 2 );

$converter = new Block_Converter( '<p>Some HTML <img src="" /></p>' );
$blocks = $converter->convert();

// Get the attachment IDs that were created.
$attachment_ids = $converter->get_created_attachment_ids();

// Attach the images to a post.
$parent_id = 123;
$converter->assign_parent_to_attachments( $parent_id );

use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block_Converter;
use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block;

Block_Converter::macro( 'special-tag', function ( \DOMNode $node ) {
	return new Block( 'core/paragraph', [], $node->textContent );
} );

// You can also use the raw HTML with a helper method from Block Converter:
Block_Converter::macro( 'special-tag', function ( \DOMNode $node ) {
	return new Block( 'core/paragraph', [], Block_Converter::get_node_html( $node ) );
} );

use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block_Converter;
use Alley\WP\Block_Converter\Block;

Block_Converter::macro( 'p', function ( \DOMNode $node ) {
	if ( special_condition() ) {
		return new Block( 'core/paragraph', [ 'attribute' => 123 ], 'This is a paragraph' );

	return Block_Converter::p( $node );
} );