PHP code example of alexwestergaard / php-ga4

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alexwestergaard/php-ga4 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alexwestergaard / php-ga4 example snippets

use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Analytics;

$analytics = Analytics::new(
    measurement_id: 'G-XXXXXXXX',
    api_secret: 'xYzzX_xYzzXzxyZxX',
    debug: true|false #Default: False

// Manual setting of each event
$event->setLanguage(string $var);
$event->setPageLocation(string $var);
$event->setPageReferrer(string $var);
$event->setPageTitle(string $var);
$event->setScreenResolution(string $var);
// Fillable for multiple events
$eventPage = AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Helper\EventParamsHelper();

use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Exception;
use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Analytics;
use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Event;
use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Item;

// rhaps need logic to change from json or array to event objects
    // Maybe its formatted well for the > ConvertHelper::parseEvents([...]) < helper
    $groups = $collection['events'];

    // If gtag.js, this can be the _ga or _gid cookie
    // This can be any kind of session identifier
    // Usually derives from $_COOKIE['_ga'] or $_COOKIE['_gid'] set by GTAG.js
    $visitor = $collection['session_id'];

    // load logged in user/visitor
    // This can be any kind of unique identifier, readable is easier for you
    // Just be wary not to use GDPR sensitive information
    $user = $collection['user_id'];

    // Render events grouped on time (max offset is 3 days from NOW)
    foreach ($groups as $time => $data) {
        try {
                $analytics = Analytics::new($measurementId, $apiSecret)

                if ($user !== null) {

                $analytics->addUserParameter(...$data['userParameters']); // pseudo logic for adding user parameters
                $analytics->addEvent(...$data['events']); // pseudo logic for adding events

                $analytics->post(); // send events to Google Analytics
        } catch (Exception\Ga4Exception $exception) {
            // Handle exception
            // Exceptions might be stacked, check: $exception->getPrevious();

use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Helper\ConvertHelper;
use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Exception;
use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Analytics;
use AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Event;

// (Exception\Ga4Exception $exception) {
    // Handle exception
    // Exceptions might be stacked, check: $exception->getPrevious();

// EventHelper implements AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Facade\Type\EventType
class ExampleEvent extends AlexWestergaard\PhpGa4\Helper\EventHelper
    // variables should be nullable as unset() will set variable as null
    protected null|mixed $my_variable;
    protected null|mixed $my_

    public function getRequiredParams(): array
        return [

$analytics = Analytics::new(
    measurement_id: 'G-XXXXXXXX',
    api_secret: 'xYzzX_xYzzXzxyZxX',
    debug: true // default: false