PHP code example of alexwenzel / bselements

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alexwenzel/bselements library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alexwenzel / bselements example snippets

{{ BsForm::useViewErrorBag($errors) }}
{{ BsForm::info('Info', 'Infotext', array()) }}
{{ BsForm::text('text', 'Text') }}
{{ BsForm::textAddon('left', 'Demo', 'textaddon1', 'Text-Addon') }}
{{ BsForm::textAddon('right', 'Demo', 'textaddon2', 'Text-Addon') }}
{{ BsForm::password('password', 'Password') }}
{{ BsForm::file('file', 'File') }}
{{ BsForm::select('select', 'Select', array(''=>'-- Choose --','s1'=>'Select 1','s2'=>'Select 2','s3'=>'Select 3')) }}
{{ BsForm::textarea('textarea', 'Textarea') }}
{{ BsForm::radioGroup('radiogroup', 'radioGroup', array('r1'=>'1','r2'=>'2','r3'=>'3')) }}
{{ BsForm::checkboxGroup('checkboxGroup', array('c1'=>'one','c2'=>'two','c3'=>'three')) }}

{{ BsForm::text('text', 'Text') }}


BsForm::info($label, $text, array $attributes = array())

BsForm::text($id, $label, array $attributes = array())

BsForm::textAddon($addonDirection, $addonContent, $id, $label, array $attributes = array())

BsForm::file($id, $label, array $attributes = array())

BsForm::select($id, $label, array $elements, array $attributes = array())

BsForm::password($id, $label, array $attributes = array())

BsForm::textarea($id, $label, array $attributes = array())

BsForm::radioGroup($id, $label, array $values)

BsForm::checkboxGroup($label, array $values)