PHP code example of alexvkokin / telegram-bot-app

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alexvkokin/telegram-bot-app library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alexvkokin / telegram-bot-app example snippets

protected static $keyboardMap = 
    'Tbot/TestApp/StartController' => [
        'actionStart' => [
            "setButton" =>[
                ["icon" => 'F09F91A4', "text" => 'Профайл', "controller" => "Tbot/TestApp/ProfileController", "action" => "actionIndex"],
            "inline" => [
                ["command" => '/start']
        'actionGoodluck' => [
            "inline" => [
                ["command" => '/goodluck']
    'Tbot/TestApp/ProfileController' => [
        'actionIndex' => [
            "setButton" =>[
                ["icon" => 'E284B9', "text" => 'Информация о профайле', "controller" => "Tbot/TestApp/ProfileController", "action" => "actionData"],
                ["icon" => 'E2988E', "text" => 'Мой контакт', "controller" => "Tbot/TestApp/ProfileController", "action" => "actionContact", 'params' => ["request_contact" => true]],
                ["icon" => 'E29780', "text" => 'Назад', "controller" => "Tbot/TestApp/StartController", "action" => "actionStart"],
            "inline" => [
                ["command" => '/profile'],
                ["callback" => 'profileGet']
        'actionMessage' => [
            'message' => 'Tbot/Message/Text',

$keyboard = [
    "inline_keyboard" => [
                "text" => "Вывести мои данные",
                "callback_data" => "profileGet|id=5|parent_id=1",

'Tbot/TestApp/ProfileController' => [
    'actionIndex' => [
        "inline" => [
            ["callback" => 'profileGet']

    'id' => 5,
    'parent_id' => 1,

public function actionStart()
    $keyboard = [
        "keyboard" => [
            Helper::keyboard(static::$keyboardMap, get_class($this), 'actionStart'),
        "one_time_keyboard" => false,
        "resize_keyboard" => true
    $api = new ApiRequest($this->token);
    $api->sendButtons($this->message->getChatId(), $keyboard, 'Добро пожаловать в наш бот');

Helper::keyboard(static::$keyboardMap, get_class($this), 'actionStart'),

$message_data = file_get_contents('php://input'); // получаем сообщение от телеграм бота
$tbot_key = 'API Ключ от вашего бота';

$keyboardMap = \Tbot\TestApp\AppKeyboardMap::getKeyboardMap(); // Получаем вашу карту кнопок
if ($app = new \Tbot\TestApp\StartController($message_data, $tbot_key, $keyboardMap))