PHP code example of alexpw / multicurl-iterator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alexpw/multicurl-iterator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alexpw / multicurl-iterator example snippets

$mci = new Alexpw\Multicurl\Iterator();

foreach ($curl_handles as $handle) {
	$mci->add($handle /*[, mixed $data = null] */);

foreach ($mci as $result) {

$result = curl_getinfo($ch);
$result['handle']   = $ch;
$result['data']     = // Optional data associated with curl handle
$result['header']   = $header_string_or_parsed_array;
$result['body']     = $body_string;
$result['errno']    = curl_errno($ch);
$result['error']    = curl_error($ch);
$result['errorstr'] = curl_errstr($ch); // when function_exists

$article_ids       = array(1, 2, 3, 4 /*,...*/);
$article_id_chunks = array_chunk($article_ids, 50);

$curr_chunk   = 0;
$total_chunks = count($article_id_chunks);

function addArticlesToIterator($mci, $chunk)
	foreach ($chunk as $article_id) {
		$ch = initCurlHandleForArticle($article_id);
		$mci->add($ch, $article_id);

$mci = new Alexpw\Multicurl\Iterator();

addArticlesToIterator($mci, $article_id_chunks[$curr_chunk++]);

foreach ($mci as $result) {
	if ($mci->getCountPendingRequests() < 10 &&
		$curr_chunk < $total_chunks) {
		addArticleRequests($mci, $article_id_chunks[$curr_chunk++]);

	if ($result['errno'] !== 0) {
	} elseif ($result['http_code'] === 408) {
		$ch = initCurlHandleForRetry($result);
    } else {
$mci->add($handle, $data = null);