PHP code example of alexmanno / trucker

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alexmanno/trucker library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alexmanno / trucker example snippets

class Product extends Trucker\Resource\Model {} //create a class to use

$p = new Product(['name' => 'My Test Product']);
$success = $p->save(); //create a new entity

$found = Product::find(1); //find an existing entity

$found->name = 'New Product Name';
$success = $found->save(); //update an entity

$success = $found->destroy(); //destroy an entity

$results = Product::all(); //find a collection

class Product extends Trucker\Resource\Model


$p = Product::find(1);

$results = Product::all();

$conditions = ConditionFactory::build();
$conditions->addCondition('name', '=', 'Roomba 650');
$conditions->addCondition('vendor', '=', 'Irobot');
$conditions->addCondition('price', '>=', 10000);

$order = ResultOrderFactory::build();

$results = Product::all($conditions, $order);

$attributes = ['name' => 'XYZ Headphones', 'vendor' => 'Acme', 'price' => '10000'];

//pass attributes to the constructor
$p = new Product($attributes);

//or use the fill() method
$p = new Product;

//get the attributes back if you want to see them
// => ['name' => 'XYZ Headphones', 'vendor' => 'Acme', 'price' => '10000']

//maybe you want to see a particular property
echo $p->name; // => XYZ Headphones

//or modify a property
$p->name = "ABC Headphones";

//save the object over the API.  The save() method will create or update 
//the object as necessary.  It returns true or false based on success.
$success = $p->save(); 

if ($success) {

  //the identity property is set back on the object after it is created
  echo "Saved product '{$p->name}' with ID: ". $p->getId();

} else {

  //maybe you want to print out the errors if there were some
  echo "Errors: ". implode(", ", $p->errors());
  // => ['Category is 

$p = Product::find(1);
$p->name = "My Product";

if ($p->save()) {
   echo "Updated!";
} else {
   echo "Error: ". implode(", ", $p->errors());

$p = Product::find(1);

if ($p->destroy()){
  echo "Deleted product: {$p->name}";
} else {
  echo "Error deleting product: {$p->name}";
  echo "Errors: ". implode(", ", $p->errors());

class Product extends Trucker\Resource\Model
  protected $uri = "/small_electronic_products";
  protected $guarded = "price,sale_price";
  protected $fileFields = "picture";

$vendor_id = 9876;
$p = new Product;
$p->nestedUnder = "Vendor:{$vendor_id}";
$found = Product::find(1, [], $p);
//will hit /vendors/9876/products/1

use Trucker\Facades\Config as TruckerConfig;

TruckerConfig::set('auth.basic.username', $someUsername);
TruckerConfig::set('auth.basic.password', $somePassword);
$found = Product::find(1);
php artisan config:publish alexmanno/trucker