PHP code example of alexeykhr / laravel-clickhouse-migrations

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alexeykhr/laravel-clickhouse-migrations library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alexeykhr / laravel-clickhouse-migrations example snippets

app('clickhouse')->select(/* Query */);
app('clickhouse')->write(/* Query */);
shell script
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Alexeykhr\ClickhouseMigrations\Providers\MigrationProvider'
shell script
$ php artisan make:clickhouse-migration {name}
shell script
$ php artisan clickhouse-migrate
shell script
$ php artisan clickhouse-migration:rollback
shell script
$ php artisan make:clickhouse-migration {name}
shell script
$ php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table
shell script
$ php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --table=users
shell script
$ php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --path=database/new-migrations-folder
shell script
$ php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --path=/path/to/migrations --realpath
shell script
$ php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --stub=default
shell script
$ php artisan make:clickhouse-migration create_users_table --stub=myStub --stub.handler='App\Clickhouse\MyHandler'
shell script
$ php artisan clickhouse-migrate --force
shell script
$ php artisan clickhouse-migrate --output
shell script
$ php artisan clickhouse-migrate --output --force
shell script
$ php artisan clickhouse-migrate --step=1