PHP code example of alexander-emelyanov / opteck-api-client
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alexander-emelyanov/opteck-api-client library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
alexander-emelyanov / opteck-api-client example snippets
$client = new \Opteck\ApiClient(<Affiliate ID>, <Partner ID>);
/** @var \Opteck\Requests\CreateLead $request */
$request = new \Opteck\Requests\CreateLead([
'email' => '[email protected] ',
'password' => 'qwerty',
'firstName' => 'John',
'lastName' => 'Smith',
'language' => 'EN',
'country' => 'GB',
'phone' => '442088963321', // Pizza Hut Restaurant
'campaign' => 'test_campaign_1',
'subCampaign' => 'test_sub_campaign_1',
/** @var \Opteck\Responses\CreateLead $response */
$response = $apiClient->createLead($request);
echo "Lead created successfully with ID: " . $response->getLeadId() . PHP_EOL;
/** @var \Opteck\Responses\GetLeadDetails $leadDetails */
$leadDetails = $apiClient->getLeadDetails($email);
/** @var \Opteck\Responses\Auth $authResponse */
$authResponse = $apiClient->auth('[email protected] ', 'qwerty');
echo "Lead authorized with token [" . $authResponse->getToken() . "] valid up to " . $authResponse->getExpiryTimestamp() . PHP_EOL;
/** @var \Opteck\Entities\Deposit[] $deposits */
$deposits = $apiClient->getDeposits(time() - 2600 * 24 * 7, time());
/** @var \Opteck\Entities\OptionType[] $optionTypes */
$optionTypes = $apiClient->getOptionTypes();
/** @var \Opteck\Entities\Market[] $markets */
$markets = $apiClient->getMarkets();
/** @var \Opteck\Entities\Asset[] $assets */
$assets = $apiClient->getAssets();
/** @var \Opteck\Responses\GetAssetRate $assetRate */
$assetRate = $apiClient->getAssetRate(<Asset ID>);
$apiClient->openPosition('<Email>', '<Password>', '<Symbol>', <Direction>, <Amount>);
/** \Opteck\Entities\TradeAction[] $tradeActions */
$tradeActions = $apiClient->getTradeActions('<Email>');