PHP code example of alex-qiu / hyperf-wechat
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alex-qiu/hyperf-wechat library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
alex-qiu / hyperf-wechat example snippets
Router::addRoute(['GET', 'POST', 'HEAD'], '/wechat', 'App\Controller\WeChatController@serve');
namespace App\Controller;
use EasyWeChat\Kernel\Exceptions\BadRequestException;
use EasyWeChat\Kernel\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException;
use EasyWeChat\Kernel\Exceptions\InvalidConfigException;
use Naixiaoxin\HyperfWechat\EasyWechat;
use Naixiaoxin\HyperfWechat\Helper;
use ReflectionException;
class WeChatController extends AbstractController
* 处理微信的请求消息
* @return string
* @throws BadRequestException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
* @throws ReflectionException
public function serve()
$app = EasyWechat::officialAccount();
$app->server->push(function ($message) {
return "欢迎关注 EasyWechat!";
// 一定要用Helper::Response去转换
return Helper::Response($app->server->serve());
use \Naixiaoxin\HyperfWechat\EasyWechat;
$officialAccount = EasyWechat::officialAccount(); // 公众号
$work = EasyWechat::work(); // 企业微信
$payment = EasyWechat::payment(); // 微信支付
$openPlatform = EasyWechat::openPlatform(); // 开放平台
$miniProgram = EasyWechat::miniProgram(); // 小程序
// 均支持传入配置账号名称以及配置
EasyWeChat::officialAccount('foo',[]); // `foo` 为配置文件中的名称,默认为 `default`。`[]` 可覆盖账号配置