PHP code example of aldas / modbus-tcp-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aldas/modbus-tcp-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aldas / modbus-tcp-client example snippets

Endian::$defaultEndian = Endian::BIG_ENDIAN_LOW_WORD_FIRST;

$dword->getUInt32(Endian::LITTLE_ENDIAN | Endian::LOW_WORD_FIRST);

$address = 100;
$word = $response->getWordAt($address);

$address = 100;
$dword = $response->getDoubleWordAt($address);

$address = 100;
$qword = $response->getQuadWordAt($address);

$address = 20;
$length = 10;
$string = $response->getAsciiStringAt($address, $length);

$address = 'tcp://';
$unitID = 0; // also known as 'slave ID'
$fc3 = ReadRegistersBuilder::newReadHoldingRegisters($address, $unitID)
    ->unaddressableRanges([[100,110], [1512]])
    ->bit(256, 15, 'pump2_feedbackalarm_do')
    // will be split into 2 requests as 1 request can return only range of 124 registers max
    ->int16(657, 'battery3_voltage_wo')
    // will be another request as uri is different for subsequent int16 register
        function ($value, $address, $response) {
            return 'prefix_' . $value; // optional: transform value after extraction
        function (\Exception $exception, Address $address, $response) {
            // optional: callback called then extraction failed with an error
            return $address->getType() === Address::TYPE_STRING ? '' : null; // does not make sense but gives you an idea
    ->build(); // returns array of 3 ReadHoldingRegistersRequest requests

// this will use PHP non-blocking stream io to recieve responses
$responseContainer = (new NonBlockingClient(['readTimeoutSec' => 0.2]))->sendRequests($fc3);
print_r($responseContainer->getData()); // array of assoc. arrays (keyed by address name)

    [ 'pump2_feedbackalarm_do' => true, ],
    [ 'battery3_voltage_wo' => 12, ],
    [ 'username_plc2' => 'prefix_admin', ]

$connection = BinaryStreamConnection::getBuilder()
$packet = new ReadHoldingRegistersRequest(256, 8); //create FC3 request packet

try {
    $binaryData = $connection->connect()->sendAndReceive($packet);

    //parse binary data to response object
    $response = ResponseFactory::parseResponseOrThrow($binaryData);
    //same as 'foreach ($response->getWords() as $word) {'
    foreach ($response as $word) { 
    // print registers as double words in big endian low word first order (as WAGO-750 does)
    foreach ($response->getDoubleWords() as $dword) {
    // set internal index to match start address to simplify array access
    $responseWithStartAddress = $response->withStartAddress(256);
    print_r($responseWithStartAddress[256]->getBytes()); // use array access to get word
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
} finally {

$rtuBinaryPacket = RtuConverter::toRtu(new ReadHoldingRegistersRequest($startAddress, $quantity, $slaveId));
$binaryData = $connection->connect()->sendAndReceive($rtuBinaryPacket);
$responseAsTcpPacket = RtuConverter::fromRtu($binaryData);