1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alamellama/geographer library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
alamellama / geographer example snippets
use ALameLlama\Geographer\Earth;
use ALameLlama\Geographer\Country;
// Default entry point is our beautiful planet
$earth = new Earth();
// Give me a list of all countries please
// Oh, but please try to use short versions, eg. USA instead of United States of America
// Now please give me all states of Thailand
$thailand = $earth->getCountries()->findOne(['code' => 'TH']); // You can call find on collection
$thailand = $earth->findOne(['code' => 'TH']); // Or right away on division
$thailand = $earth->findOneByCode('TH'); // Alternative shorter syntax
$thailand = Country::build('TH'); // You can build a country object directly, too
// Oh, but I want them in Russian
// Oh, but I want them inflicted to 'in' form (eg. 'in Spain')
// Or if you prefer constants for the sake of IDE auto-complete
// What's the capital and do you have a geonames ID for that? Or maybe latitude and longitude?
$capital = $thailand->getCapital();
$states->sortBy('name'); // States will be sorted by name
$states->setLocale('ru')->sortBy('name'); // States will be sorted by Russian translations/names
$states->find(['code' => 472039]); // Find 1+ divisions that match specified parameters
$states->findOne(['code' => 472039]); // Return the first match only
$states->findOneByCode(472039); // Convenience magic method
$states->toArray(); // Return a flat array of states
$states->pluck('name'); // Return a flat array of state names
$object->toArray(); // Return a flat array with all data
$object->parent(); // Return a parent (city returns a state, state returns a country)
$object->getCode(); // Get default unique ID
$object->getShortName(); // Get short (colloquial) name of the object
$object->getLongName(); // Get longer name
$object->getCodes(); // Get a plain array of all available unique codes
$object->getName(); // Get object's name (inflicted and shortened when necessary)
$object->name; // Same effect
$object['name']; // Same effect
$object->toArray()['name']; // Same effect again
$country->setStandard(DefaultManager::STANDARD_ISO); // ISO subdivisions
$country->setStandard(DefaultManager::STANDARD_FIPS); // FIPS 10-4 subdivisions
$country->setStandard(DefaultManager::STANDARD_GEONAMES); // Geonames subdivisions
$earth->getAfrica(); // Get a collection of African countries
$earth->getEurope(); // Get a collection of European countries
$earth->getNorthAmerica(); // You can guess
$earth->getCountries(); // A collection of all countries
$earth->withoutMicro(); // Only countries that have population of at least 100,000
$country->getCode(); //ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (2 character) code
$country->getCode3(); // ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
$country->getNumericCode(); // ISO 3166-1 numeric code
$country->getGeonamesCode(); // Geonames ID
$country->getFipsCode(); // FIPS code
$country->getArea(); // Area in square kilometers
$country->getCurrencyCode(); // National currency, eg. USD
$country->getPhonePrefix(); // Phone code, eg. 7 for Russia
$country->getPopulation(); // Population
$country->getLanguage(); // Country's first official language
$country->getStates(); // A collection of all states
Country::build('TH'); // Build a country object based on ISO code
$state->getCode(); // Get default code (currently Geonames)
$state->getIsoCode(); // Get ISO 3166-2 code
$state->getFipsCode(); // Get FIPS code
$state->getGeonamesCode(); // Get Geonames code
$state->getCities(); // A collection of all cities
$state = State::build($id); // Instantiate a state directly, based on $id provided (Geonames or ISO)
$city->getCode(); // This is always a Geonames code for now
$city = City::build($id); // Instantiate a city directly, based on $id provided (Geonames)
$city->getLatitude(); // City's latitude
$city->getLongitude(); // City's longitude
$city->getPopulation(); // Population
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