PHP code example of alajusticia / laravel-sanctum-tracker

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download alajusticia/laravel-sanctum-tracker library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


alajusticia / laravel-sanctum-tracker example snippets

use ALajusticia\SanctumTracker\Models\PersonalAccessToken;
use Laravel\Sanctum\Sanctum;

 * Bootstrap any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()

use ALajusticia\SanctumTracker\Traits\SanctumTracked;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use SanctumTracked;

    // ...

use ALajusticia\SanctumTracker\Interfaces\IpProvider;
use ALajusticia\SanctumTracker\Traits\MakesApiCalls;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request as GuzzleRequest;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request;

class IpApi implements IpProvider
    use MakesApiCalls;

     * Get the Guzzle request.
     * @return GuzzleRequest
    public function getRequest()
        return new GuzzleRequest('GET', ''.Request::ip().'?fields=25');

     * Get the country name.
     * @return string
    public function getCountry()
        return $this->result->get('country');

     * Get the region name.
     * @return string
    public function getRegion()
        return $this->result->get('regionName');

     * Get the city name.
     * @return string
    public function getCity()
        return $this->result->get('city');

public function getCustomData()
    return [
        'country_code' => $this->result->get('countryCode'),
        'latitude' => $this->result->get('lat'),
        'longitude' => $this->result->get('lon'),
        'timezone' => $this->result->get('timezone'),
        'isp_name' => $this->result->get('isp'),

$this->context->userAgent; // The full, unparsed, User-Agent header
$this->context->ip; // The IP address

$this->context->parser(); // Returns the parser used to parse the User-Agent header
$this->context->ip(); // Returns the IP address lookup provider

$this->context->parser()->getDevice(); // The name of the device (MacBook...)
$this->context->parser()->getDeviceType(); // The type of the device (desktop, mobile, tablet, phone...)
$this->context->parser()->getPlatform(); // The name of the platform (macOS...)
$this->context->parser()->getBrowser(); // The name of the browser (Chrome...)

$this->context->ip()->getCountry(); // The name of the country
$this->context->ip()->getRegion(); // The name of the region
$this->context->ip()->getCity(); // The name of the city
$this->context->ip()->getResult(); // The entire result of the API call as a Laravel collection

// And all your custom methods in the case of a custom provider
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ALajusticia\SanctumTracker\SanctumTrackerServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan migrate