PHP code example of akaunting / money

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download akaunting/money library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


akaunting / money example snippets

use Akaunting\Money\Currency;
use Akaunting\Money\Money;

echo Money::USD(500); // '$5.00' unconverted
echo new Money(500, new Currency('USD')); // '$5.00' unconverted
echo Money::USD(500, true); // '$500.00' converted
echo new Money(500, new Currency('USD'), true); // '$500.00' converted

$m1 = Money::USD(500);
$m2 = Money::EUR(500);

$m1->convert(Currency::GBP(), 3.5);
$m1->allocate([1, 1, 1]);

money(500, 'USD')

@money(500, 'USD')

use Akaunting\Money\Currency;
use Akaunting\Money\Money;

    fn () => $this->isPositive() ? $this : $this->multiply(-1)

$money = Money::USD(1000)->multiply(-1);

$absolute = $money->absolute();

use Akaunting\Money\Currency;
use Akaunting\Money\Money;

Money::macro('zero', fn (?string $currency = null) => new Money(0, new Currency($currency ?? 'GBP')));

$money = Money::zero();

use Akaunting\Money\Money;

class CustomMoney 
    public function absolute(): Money
        return $this->isPositive() ? $this : $this->multiply(-1);
    public static function zero(?string $currency = null): Money
        return new Money(0, new Currency($currency ?? 'GBP'));

Money::mixin(new CustomMoney);

$money = Money::USD(1000)->multiply(-1);
$absolute = $money->absolute();

// Static methods via mixins are supported too:
$money = Money::zero();
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=money