PHP code example of aimeos / macro

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aimeos/macro library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aimeos / macro example snippets

// original code

class Order
    use Aimeos\Macro\Macroable;

    private $id = '123';

    public function getOrderNumber()
        $fcn = static::macro( 'orderNumber' );
        return $fcn ? $fcn( $this->id ) : $this->id;

// user code

Order::macro( 'orderNumber', function( string $id ) {
   return date( 'Y' ) . '-' . $id;
} );

(new Order)->getOrderNumber(); // now returns '2020-123'

// original code

class A
    use Aimeos\Macro\Macroable;
    private $name = 'A';

// user code

A::macro( 'concat', function( array $values ) {
   return $this->name . ':' . implode( '-', $values );
} );

(new A)->concat( ['1', '2', '3'] ); // returns 'A:1-2-3'

// original code

class A
    use Aimeos\Macro\Macroable;
    private $name = 'A';

class B extends A
    private $name = 'B';

// user code

A::macro( 'concat', function( array $values ) {
   return $this->name . ':' . implode( '-', $values );
} );

(new B)->concat( ['1', '2', '3'] ); // returns 'B:1-2-3'

// original code

class A
    use Aimeos\Macro\Macroable;

    public function do() {
        return static::macro( 'concat' )( [1, 2, 3] );

class B extends A {};

class C extends A {};

// user code

A::macro( 'concat', function( array $values ) {
   return implode( ',', $values );
} );

C::macro( 'concat', function( array $values ) {
   return implode( '-', $values );
} );

(new B)->do(); // returns '1,2,3'

(new C)->do(); // returns '1-2-3'

// original code

class A
    use Aimeos\Macro\Macroable;

    protected function getName( $prefix )
        return $prefix . 'A';

class B extends A
    public function do()
        return $this->call( 'getName', 'B-' );

// user code

(new B)->do(); // returns 'B-A'

A::macro( 'getName', function( $prefix ) {
   return $this->getName( $prefix ) . '-123';
} );

(new B)->do(); // returns 'B-A-123'

class A
    use Aimeos\Macro\Macroable;

// add macro
A::macro( 'test', function() {
   return 'test';
} );

// remove macro
A::unmacro( 'test' );