PHP code example of ailixter / gears-dictionary

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ailixter/gears-dictionary library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ailixter / gears-dictionary example snippets

$readonly = new ReadonlyFlat(['x' => 123]);

if ($readonly->has('x')) {
    echo $readonly->get('x'); // 123
echo $readonly->get('y'); // null
echo $readonly->get('y', 'notset'); // 'notset'
echo $readonly['y']; // null
echo isset($readonly['x']); // true
echo isset($readonly['y']); // false
unset($readonly['x']); // AccessException

$writable = new Flat($readonly->all());

$writable->set('x', 456);
$array = $writable->set('y', 789)->remove('x')->all(); // ['y' => 789]
echo $writable->has('y'); // true

$readonly = new ReadonlyStruct([
    'x' => [123, 456],
    'y' => [
        'z' => 789

if ($readonly->has('x')) {
    echo $readonly->get('x'); // [123, 456]
echo $readonly->get('x/0'); // 123 
echo $readonly['x/1']; // 456
echo isset($readonly['y/z']); // true
echo isset($readonly['y/z/0']); // false
unset($readonly['x/0']); // AccessException

$writable = new Struct($readonly->all());

$writable->set('x', 456);
$writable->has('x/0'); // false

$writable->add('x', 456);
$writable->has('x/0'); // true
$writable->get('x'); // [456]

function testReadonly (ReadonlyDictionaryInterface $readonly) {
    return $readonly->get('param');

testReadonly(new ReadonlyFlat($_POST)) === testReadonly(new Struct($_POST)); // true

function testWritable (DictionaryInterface $writable, $key) {
    return $writable->set($key, 123)->get($key);

testWritable(new Flat($_POST), 'param') === testWritable(new Struct($_POST), 'data/0'); // true

$writable->has('x'); // true
echo $writable->extract('x'); // [456]
$writable->has('x'); // false

$writable = new Flat;
$var =& $writable->ref('x');
$writable->set('x', 123);
echo $var; // 123

$writable = new Struct;
$var = 123;
$writable->setref('x/0', $var);
$var = 456;
echo $writable->get['x']; // [456]

(new Struct)->refer($_GET)->set('p/route', 'chapter/1');
echo $_GET['p']; // ['route' => 'chapter/1']

echo new Struct(['x' => [123, 456])->setPathSeparator('.')->get('x.0'); // 123

function export($dbRecord, $map) {
    $jsonData = new Struct;
    foreach ($map as $dst => $src) {
        $jsonData[$dst] = $dbRecord[$src];
    return $jsonData;

$jsonData = export(new Struct($dbRecord), [
    'record_id'       => 'id',
    'contacts/email'  => 'email',
    'contacts/phone'  => 'phone',
    'logo_url'        => 'images/url/0'
echo json_encode($jsonData->all());