PHP code example of aik27 / inwidget

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aik27/inwidget library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aik27 / inwidget example snippets

try {
    // Options may change through the class constructor. For example:
    $config = array(
       'LOGIN' => 'fotokto_ru',
       'HASHTAG' => '',
       'ACCESS_TOKEN' => '',
       'authLogin' => '',
       'authPassword' => '',
       'tagsBannedLogins' => '',
       'tagsFromAccountOnly' => false,
       'imgRandom' => true,
       'imgCount' => 30,
       'cacheExpiration' => 6,
       'cacheSkip' => false,
       'cachePath' =>  $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inwidget/cache/',
       'skinDefault' => 'default',
       'skinPath'=> '/inwidget/skins/',
       'langDefault' => 'ru',
       'langAuto' => false,
       'langPath' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inwidget/langs/',
    $inWidget = new \InWidget\Core($config);
    // Also, you may change default values of properties

    $inWidget->width = 800;         // widget width in pixels
    $inWidget->inline = 6;          // number of images in single line
    $inWidget->view = 18;	        // number of images in widget
    $inWidget->toolbar = false;     // show profile avatar, statistic and action button
    $inWidget->preview = 'large';   // quality of images: small, large, fullsize
    $inWidget->adaptive = false;    // enable adaptive mode
    $inWidget->skipGET = true;      // skip GET variables to avoid name conflicts
    $inWidget->setOptions();        // apply new values

