PHP code example of ahmedebead / laramultiauth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ahmedebead/laramultiauth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ahmedebead / laramultiauth example snippets


return [
    'guards' => [
        'web' => [
            'model' => App\Models\User::class,
            'authFields' => [
                'username' => ['email','name'], // any number of fields name to check
                'password' => 'password'
        // Add more guards and their respective models here

    'sms_helper_function' => env('SMS_HELPER_FUNCTION', 'sendSmsHelperFunction'),


// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->login([
    'username' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'password123',

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$user = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->register([
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'password' => 'password123',
    //.....other fields

//By phone or email
// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another
$identifier = "010548569847"; // can be email $identifier = "[email protected]";
$otp = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->generateOtp($identifier);

$isVerified = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->verifyOtp($identifier, $otp);

//By phone or email
// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')
$otp = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->generateAndSendOtp('1234567890');

$otp = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->generateAndSendOtp('[email protected]');

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->loggedInUser();

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->logout();

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another
//By phone or email
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->forgetPassword($email);
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->forgetPassword($phone);

//By phone or email
// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another
$data = [
    'identifier'=>'[email protected]', // can be phone number
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->resetPassword($data);

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another

$otp = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->generateOtp('Ahmed Ebead');

$data = [
    'identifier'=>'ahmed ebead',
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->resetPassword($data);

// api is the guard you can change it to web or any another
$data = [
$token = LaraMultiAuth::guard('api')->resetPassword($data,false);

namespace App\Models;

use AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\Models\BaseAuthModel;

class WebUser extends BaseAuthModel
    protected $guard = 'web';

namespace App\Models;

use AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\Models\BaseAuthModel;

class ApiUser extends BaseAuthModel
    protected $guard = 'api';

namespace App\Models;

use AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\Models\BaseAuthModel;

class AdminUser extends BaseAuthModel
    protected $guard = 'admin';

if (!function_exists('sendSmsHelperFunction')) {
    function sendSmsHelperFunction($phone, $otp)
        // Implement the SMS sending logic
        // Example: using an external SMS service
        // SmsService::send($phone, "Your OTP is: {$otp}");

if (!function_exists('sendSmsHelperFunction')) {
    function sendSmsHelperFunction($phone, $otp)
        // Implement the SMS sending logic
        // Example: using an external SMS service
        // SmsService::send($phone, "Your OTP is: {$otp}");

class OrderController extends Controller
    public function index()
php artisan multiauth:setup
php artisan passport:install # If needed 

   php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AhmedEbead\LaraMultiAuth\LaraMultiAuthServiceProvider"
    "files": [