PHP code example of ahmedash95 / laravel-server-monitor

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ahmedash95/laravel-server-monitor library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ahmedash95 / laravel-server-monitor example snippets

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

return [

     * These are the checks that can be performed on your servers. You can add your own
     * checks. The only atie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Diskspace::class,
        'elasticsearch' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Elasticsearch::class,
        'memcached' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\Memcached::class,
        'mysql' => Spatie\ServerMonitor\CheckDefinitions\MySql::class,

     * The performance of the package can be increased by allowing a high number
     * of concurrent ssh connections. Set this to a lower value if you're
     * getting weird errors running the check.
    'concurrent_ssh_connections' => 5,

     * This string will be appended to the ssh command generated by the package.
    'ssh_command_suffix' => '',

    'notifications' => [

        'notifications' => [
            Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifications\CheckSucceeded::class => [],
            Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifications\CheckRestored::class => ['slack'],
            Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifications\CheckWarning::class => ['slack'],
            Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifications\CheckFailed::class => ['slack'],

         * To avoid burying you in notifications, we'll only send one every given amount
         * of minutes when a check keeps emitting warning or keeps failing.
        'throttle_failing_notifications_for_minutes' => 60,

        'mail' => [
            'to' => '[email protected]',

        'slack' => [
            'webhook_url' => env('SERVER_MONITOR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'),

         * Here you can specify the notifiable to which the notifications should be sent. The default
         * notifiable will use the variables specified in this config file.
        'notifiable' => \Spatie\ServerMonitor\Notifications\Notifiable::class,

         * The date format used in notifications.
        'date_format' => 'd/m/Y',

     * To add or modify behaviour to the `Check` model you can specify your
     * own model here. The only 
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\ServerMonitor\ServerMonitorServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\ServerMonitor\ServerMonitorServiceProvider" --tag="config"