PHP code example of aharen / omdbapi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aharen/omdbapi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aharen / omdbapi example snippets

use aharen\OMDbAPI();

$omdb = new OMDbAPI($api_key, $image_host, $assoc);

use aharen\OMDbAPI;

$omdb = new OMDbAPI();

$omdb->search($keyword, $type, $year);


stdClass Object
    [code] => 200
    [message] => OK
    [data] => stdClass Object
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => Spider-Man
                    [Year] => 2002
                    [imdbID] => tt0145487
                    [Type] => movie

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => The Amazing Spider-Man
                    [Year] => 2012
                    [imdbID] => tt0948470
                    [Type] => movie

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => Spider-Man 2
                    [Year] => 2004
                    [imdbID] => tt0316654
                    [Type] => movie

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => Spider-Man 3
                    [Year] => 2007
                    [imdbID] => tt0413300
                    [Type] => movie

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => The Amazing Spider-Man 2
                    [Year] => 2014
                    [imdbID] => tt1872181
                    [Type] => movie

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => Along Came a Spider
                    [Year] => 2001
                    [imdbID] => tt0164334
                    [Type] => movie

            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => Spider
                    [Year] => 2002
                    [imdbID] => tt0278731
                    [Type] => movie

            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => Spider-Man
                    [Year] => 1994–1998
                    [imdbID] => tt0112175
                    [Type] => series

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => Kiss of the Spider Woman
                    [Year] => 1985
                    [imdbID] => tt0089424
                    [Type] => movie

            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [Title] => The Spectacular Spider-Man
                    [Year] => 2008–2009
                    [imdbID] => tt0976192
                    [Type] => series



// search for all 'series' that contain 'spider' in the title
$omdb->search('spider', 'series');

// search for all 'series' that contain 'spider' in the title and is from '2014'
$omdb->search('spider', 'series', '2014');

// get details for IMDB ID 'tt0338013'
$omdb->fetch('i', 'tt0338013');

// get details for title 'eternal sunshine'
$omdb->fetch('t', 'eternal sunshine');

stdClass Object
    [code] => 200
    [message] => OK
    [data] => stdClass Object
            [Title] => Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
            [Year] => 2004
            [Rated] => R
            [Released] => 19 Mar 2004
            [Runtime] => 108 min
            [Genre] => Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
            [Director] => Michel Gondry
            [Writer] => Charlie Kaufman (story), Michel Gondry (story), Pierre Bismuth (story), Charlie Kaufman (screenplay)
            [Actors] => Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Gerry Robert Byrne, Elijah Wood
            [Plot] => When their relationship turns sour, a couple undergoes a procedure to have each other erased from their memories. But it is only through the process of loss that they discover what they had to begin with.
            [Language] => English
            [Country] => USA
            [Awards] => Won 1 Oscar. Another 64 wins & 62 nominations.
            [Poster] =>
            [Metascore] => 89
            [imdbRating] => 8.4
            [imdbVotes] => 533,088
            [imdbID] => tt0338013
            [Type] => movie
            [Response] => True


//                 Dexter (TV show)
$omdb->fetch('i', 'tt0773262', ['Season' => 1])