PHP code example of aglipanci / laravel-eloquent-case

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aglipanci/laravel-eloquent-case library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aglipanci / laravel-eloquent-case example snippets

use App\Models\Invoice;
use AgliPanci\LaravelCase\Query\CaseBuilder;

$invoices = Invoice::query()
            ->case(function (CaseBuilder $case) {
                $case->when('balance', '<', 0)->then('Overpaid')
                    ->when('balance', 0)->then('Paid')
                    ->else('Balance Due');
            }, 'payment_status')

use App\Models\Invoice;
use AgliPanci\LaravelCase\Facades\CaseBuilder;

$caseQuery = CaseBuilder::when('balance', 0)->then('Paid')
                    ->when('balance', '>', 0)->then('Balance Due');
$invoices = Invoice::query()
            ->case($caseQuery, 'payment_status')

use App\Models\Invoice;
use AgliPanci\LaravelCase\Facades\CaseBuilder;

$caseQuery = CaseBuilder::whenRaw('balance = ?', [0])->thenRaw("'Paid'")
$invoices = Invoice::query()
            ->case($caseQuery, 'payment_status')

use App\Models\Invoice;
use \AgliPanci\LaravelCase\Facades\CaseBuilder;

$caseQuery = CaseBuilder::whenRaw('balance = ?', [0])->thenRaw("'Paid'")
$invoices = Invoice::query()

use AgliPanci\LaravelCase\Facades\CaseBuilder;

$caseQuery = CaseBuilder::whenRaw('balance = ?', [0])->thenRaw("'Paid'")
// Get the SQL representation of the query.                    

// Get the query bindings.

// Get the SQL representation of the query with bindings.

 // Get an Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder instance.