PHP code example of agency-devaction / laravel-promocodes
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download agency-devaction/laravel-promocodes library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
agency-devaction / laravel-promocodes example snippets
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Zorb\Promocodes\Traits\AppliesPromocode;
class User extends Authenticatable {
use AppliesPromocode;
// Zorb\Promocodes\Exceptions\*
PromocodeAlreadyUsedByUserException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` is already used by user with id 1."
PromocodeBoundToOtherUserException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` is bound to other user, not user with id 1."
PromocodeDoesNotExistException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` doesn't exist." | "The code was not event provided."
PromocodeExpiredException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` already expired."
PromocodeNoUsagesLeftException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` has no usages left."
UserHasNoAppliesPromocodeTrait - "The given user model doesn't have AppliesPromocode trait."
UserRequiredToAcceptPromocode - "The given code `ABC-DEF`
// Zorb\Promocodes\Events\*
GuestAppliedPromocode // Fired when guest applies promocode
// It has public variable: promocode
UserAppliedPromocode // Fired when user applies promocode
// It has public variable: promocode
// It has public variable: user
$user = User::find(1);
$user->appliedPromocodes // Returns promocodes applied by user
$user->boundPromocodes // Returns promocodes bound to user
$user->applyPromocode('ABC-DEF') // Applies promocode to user
Promocodes::all(); // To retrieve all (available/not available) promocodes
Promocodes::available(); // To retrieve valid (available) promocodes
Promocodes::notAvailable(); // To retrieve invalid (not available) promocodes