PHP code example of agang235 / thinksdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download agang235/thinksdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


agang235 / thinksdk example snippets

请参照 files/extra/controller/Third.php文件

    public function callback($type = null, $code = null)
        if ('alipay' == $type) {
            $code = $_GET['auth_code'];
        (empty($type) || empty($code)) && $this->error('参数错误');

        $sns = ThinkOauth::getInstance($type);

        $extend = null;
        if ($type == 'tencent') {
            $extend = array('openid' => $this->_get('openid'), 'openkey' => $this->_get('openkey'));

        //如: $qq = ThinkOauth::getInstance('qq', $token);
        $token = $sns->getAccessToken($code, $extend);

//         array(4) {//$token QQ登录返回数据样例
//         ["access_token"] => string(32) "A987D3A8400EA0FE5523797DD15D3277"
//         ["expires_in"] => string(7) "7776000"
//         ["refresh_token"] => string(32) "9F6E5D471FD744AFD4FA3A1EC117A583"
//         ["openid"] => string(32) "F8F13521AFC2443D03FD8CD01FB58C1F"
//          }
        //注意: 目前只支持qq和微信获取用户信息,其他的还没加,如果需要,用户可以自己在sdk中模仿微信和qq的方法来添加getUserInfo()方法
        $userInfo = $sns->getUserInfo($token);
