PHP code example of afterflow / recipe

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download afterflow/recipe library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


afterflow / recipe example snippets

$recipe = new \Afterflow\Recipe\Recipe();
$data   = $recipe->with([ 'name' => 'Vlad', 'last_name' => 'Libre' ])
                 ->template(__DIR__ . '/templates/user.blade.php')

namespace Afterflow\Recipe\Recipes;

use Afterflow\Recipe\Recipe;

class ClassRecipe extends Recipe

    protected $template = __DIR__ . '/../../templates/class.blade.php';

    protected $props = [
        'name'       => [
            'rules' => '> 'string',
        'imports'    => [
            'default' => [],
            'rules'   => 'array',
        'implements' => [
            'default' => [],
            'rules'   => 'array',
        'traits'     => [
            'default' => [],
            'rules'   => 'array',


$data = ( new ClassRecipe() )->with([
    'namespace' => 'App',
    'name'      => 'User',
    'extends'   => 'Authenticatable',

    'imports' => [
        'Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable',

    'traits'     => [
    'implements' => [ 'SomeInterface', 'OtherInterface' ],

$data = ( new ClassRecipe() )->with([
    'namespace' => 'App',
    'name'      => 'User',
    'extends'   => 'Authenticatable',

    'imports' => [
        'Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable',

    'traits'     => [
    'implements' => [ 'SomeInterface', 'OtherInterface' ],

// Full syntax
$recipe = (new ClassRecipe())->with($data)->render();

// Pass data into constructor:
$recipe = (new ClassRecipe($data))->render();

// Less braces:
$recipe = ClassRecipe::make($data);

// If your recipe defines a template or a custom render() function:
$string = ClassRecipe::quickRender($data);

// Compile data only:
$data = ClassRecipe::quickBuild($data);

namespace Afterflow\Recipe\Recipes;

use Afterflow\Recipe\Recipe;

class FunctionRecipe extends Recipe

    protected $template = __DIR__ . '/../../templates/function.blade.php';

    protected $props = [
        'name'       => [
            'rules' => '

namespace Afterflow\Recipe\Recipes;

use Afterflow\Recipe\Recipe;

class ClassVarRecipe extends Recipe

    protected $props = [
        'name'       => [
            'rules' => 'string',
        'static'     => [
            'default' => false,
            'rules'   => 'boolean',
        'const'      => [
            'default' => false,
            'rules'   => 'boolean',
        'docBlock'   => [
            'default' => '',
            'rules'   => 'string',

    public function render()

        $string = '';

        if ($v = $this->data('docBlock')) {
            $string .= $v . PHP_EOL;

        if ($v = $this->data('visibility')) {
            $string .= $v . ' ';

        if ($this->data('static')) {
            $string .= 'static ';

        if ($this->data('const')) {
            $string .= 'const ';

        $string .= $this->data('name');
        if ($v = $this->data('value')) {
            $string .= ' = ' . $v;

        $string .= ';';

        return $string;

    // ...

    public function name($value)
        return $this->input('name', $value);

    public function value($value)
        return $this->input('value', $value);

    public function const()
        return $this->input('const', true);

    // ...

$data = ClassVarRecipe::make()->name( '$name' )
                      ->value( '"Vlad"' )
                      ->docBlock( '// First Name' )

         * This recipe nests other recipes and shows alternative syntax to pass data through constructor
        $data = ClassRecipe::make()->namespace('App')->name('User')->content(
         * See ClassVarRecipe to learn how to render things without template
                ClassVarRecipe::make()->protected()->name('$name')->docBlock('// First Name')->render(),
                ClassVarRecipe::make()->protected()->name('$lastName')->docBlock('// Last Name')->render(),
                 * See ClassVarRecipe to learn how to filter data before render
                    'string $name',
                    'string $lastName',
                ])->body('$this->name = $name;' . eol() . '$this->lastName = $lastName;')->render(),
            ], eol(2))

namespace App;

class User  

    // First Name
    protected $name = "Vlad";
    // Last Name
    protected $lastName;
    function __construct(string $name, string $lastName)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->lastName = $lastName;
    function getLastName()
        return $this->lastName;
    function getName()
        return $this->name;

function q( $what ) {
	return "'" . $what . "'";

function qq( $what ) {
	return '"' . $what . '"';

function eol( $times = 1 ) {
	$str = '';
	for ( $i = 0; $i < $times; $i ++ ) {
		$str .= PHP_EOL;

	return $str;

function arr( $what, $d = [ '[', ']' ] ) {
	return Recipe::array( $what, $d );

{{-- templates/user.blade.php --}}

Name: {{$name}}
Last Name: {{ $last_name }}


{{-- Otherwise this file will be treated as PHP script--}}
{!! '<'.'?php' !!}

@unless(empty( $namespace ))
namespace {{ $namespace }};

@unless(empty( $imports ))
    @foreach( $imports as $import)
import {{ $import }};

class {{ $name }} {{ isset($extends) ? 'extends '. $extends : '' }} {{ !empty($implements) ? 'implements '. collect($implements)->implode(', ') : '' }}
    use {{ collect($traits)->implode(', ') }};

{{--This function indents each line of $content string with 4 spaces--}}